Please use the links below to select the correct date for the clinic you intend to register for. 


The online registration and payment must be received in order to secure your position in the MBEQ Clinic.  Once payment and forms have been received you will receive email confirmation of your acceptance.  

When the available positions are filled you will be notified and given the option to either be added to the waitlist or have your payment voided.  

 If you are participating in the Jumping Seat portion of the clinic, it is highly recommended that you have competition experience at the height of at least 3’.

SUNDAY / Team Building Workshop

3 PM Arrival and Check-in: 1171 Astondale Road Bishop, GA 30621

Parents / Guardians are welcome and encouraged to join all of Sundays activities

MONDAY AND TUESDAY / NCEA Riding Strategies 

8 AM Arrival Monday and Tuesday/ Monday dismissal 5 PM/ Tuesday dismissal 1 PM--

Campus tour available Tuesday at 2 PM for those interested.

Time with all three Georgia Equestrian Coaches, various student-athletes and staff

Video Review and strategy sessions

Tack, equipment and horsemanship informational sessions

Discussion of what it takes and what it means to be a part of a team and a great teammate

NCAA Rules and Regulations Session

Catered lunch each day

Meghan Boenig Equestrian Clinics are open to any and all entrants limited only by age/grade, gender and number of participants