Tournament Rules



Revised 2/12/2020

Registration & Fees

  1. Entry fee is $375.00 per team.
  2. Checks should be made payable to your own organization (i.e. SEYO, CBO or CYC).
  3. A responsible adult over 21 years of age must be on the bench.
  4. Player or coach receiving 2 technical fouls in the same game will be disqualified from the Tournament.
  5. Trash talking, taunting, and fighting will not be tolerated before, during, and after the contest. Players, coaches and spectators violating this rule will be disqualified from the Tournament.
  6. A forfeit will result in a 1 year suspension and a forfeit fee of $300 payable by the parent organization for a team failing to show up, field five eligible players at the end of the 10 minute grace period, or playing with ineligible (non-rostered) players.


  1. The tournament roster will be the official league roster used during the regular season. The team will represent the league that the team played in during the regular season.
  2. The roster shall list the names of the players, birth date, grade, uniform number, and T-shirt size.
  3. The organization name, team name, division and organizational colors will also be denoted on the roster along with the information of the coach or manager.


  1. Basketball uniforms or T-shirts with shorts. T-shirts worn under the uniforms will be a similar color as the uniform and all t-shirts must be the same color. (eg. Light uniform – light t-shirt; Dark uniform – dark t-shirt).
  2. Uniforms should be reversible or alternate uniforms should be available. Home team wears light colored or white uniform.
  3. The 3rd, 4th and 5th Grades will use a 28.5” basketball. All others will use a 29.5” basketball. Best available basketball will be used as game ball.
  4. 3-point shot is allowed in all Divisions where the court is permanently marked.
  5. Free throw line for 3rd and 4th Grade will be at the second hash approximately 10 feet from the backboard. A 3rd Grade free throw shooter may cross the free throw line on follow through, but cannot take an unfair rebounding advantage.
  6. Free throw line for 5th Grade and older will be the regulation free throw line. A 5th Grade free throw shooter may cross the free throw line on the follow through, but cannot cannot take an unfair rebounding advantage.

Playing Time

  1. Contest will be played under CIF High School rules, except for the following:
  2. Twenty (20) minute running halves. Stop time last 15 seconds of first half and last 2 minutes of the contest if the point spread is less than 15 points at the 2 minute mark. There is no shot clock for all Divisions.
  3. Two full and two 30 second time-outs per contest with no carry-overs into overtime. One time-out for the first overtime period. No time-outs will be allowed in the second overtime period.
  4. First overtime will be 2 minutes, stop time, beginning with a jump ball. If a second overtime period is needed, beginning with a jump ball, the team scoring first will be declared the winner.
  5. Each player listed on the scoresheet must play 5 continuous minutes per half. Playing time will be rounded up to the nearest minute. Violation of playing time will result in a contest forfeit.
  6. Teams must be ready to play as scheduled; a 10 minute grace period is allowed.

3rd & 4th Grade Divisions

  1. No backcourt press, 2 warnings will be given and then a technical foul will be assessed. Technical fouls are 2 free throws, player foul & a team foul.
  2. 10 second back court rule applies and count will resume after a time-out.
  3. If the ball is brought into the front court and the ball is inbounded into the backcourt after a time out, foul, possession after tie up or possession after loose ball, the team on defense may play defense in the backcourt.
  4. The free-throw shooter and 4 players (2 offense and 2 defense) are allowed to line up. Players must line up in front of free-throw shooter.

General Rules

  1. No food or drinks will be allowed in the gyms except water.
  2. All teams are responsible for collecting, removing and disposing their trash.
  3. No smoking or alcohol on school campuses.
  4. No skateboards, skate shoes or “heelies” allowed in gym
  5. No dogs, cats or pets are allowed on school grounds.
  6. The Megalopolis Tournament Committee will review and make decisions on all circumstances.