
The Megalopolis Tournament was co-founded by Mas Higashi (CBO) and Russell Yamaga (SEYO) in 1976. Mas lead the tournament for over 20 years with meetings at his house. Paul Suzuki coordinated gyms and referees. Michael Higashi collected statistics.

Megalopolis was the first tournament for boys 9 years old to 16 years old with teams from CBO, CYC and SEYO. Only players on the official league team roster were eligible to play. No all-star teams were allowed. The Gold Division selected teams with the best overall records. The organizers also wanted teams with records below 0.500 to experience playing in a tournament. They created a Silver Division and selected teams with the fewest wins and records below 0.500.

In 2015, the Tournament presented a plaque to Mary Tse Woo in appreciation for over 25 years of Megalopolis Tournament service to thousands of boys in the 3rd Grade through 8th Grade in Los Angeles County and Orange County.