
You can find the full abstracts for the listed talks here.

All abstracts will be presented on Saturday, March 20th. Check out our program to find out what time each talk will be given !

Talk Number: 1

Title: Transgenerational Effects of Predator Stress on the growth and Behavior of Pardosa milvina

Author(s); Institution: Alexander Berry, Ann Rypstra; Miami University

Theme Areas: Behavioral Ecology

Talk Number: 2

Title: Grassland bird responses to bison disturbances in tallgrass prairies in Illinois and Indiana

Author(s); Institution: Antonio Del Valle, Holly P. Jones, Northern Illinois University

Theme Areas: Conservation and Restoration Biology, Population and Community Ecology

Talk Number: 3

Title: Cover Crop Application Increases Corn Yields when Grown in Dredged Sediments

Author(s); Institution: Ashley N. Julian, Louise Stevenson, Megan A. Rúa; Wright State University

Theme Areas: Agroecology

Talk Number: 4

Title: Single-tree level microhabitat influence on plant invasion

Author(s); Institution: Ellen Oordt, Marion Holmes, and Sara Kuebbing; University of Pittsburgh

Theme Areas: Population and Community Ecology, Invasion Ecology

Talk Number: 5

Title: Butternut throughout space and time: examining a rare tree using genetic methods, species distribution modeling, and fossil pollen records

Author(s); Institution: Emily Schumacher, Alissa Brown, Sean Hoban; The Morton Arboretum

Theme Areas: Ecosystem Ecology, Genetics

Talk Number: 6

Title: Beyond Burned and Unburned: A New Approach to Quantifying the Impacts of Prescribed Fire on Prairie Small Mammals

Author(s); Institution: Erin Rowland, Holly Jones, Elizabeth Bach, Bill Kleinman; Northern Illinois University

Theme Areas: Conservation and Restoration Biology, Landscape Ecology

Talk Number: 7

Title: Experimental evidence for evolutionary trap in larval lake sturgeon

Author(s); Institution: Joseph Riedy, Kim Scribner; Michigan State University

Theme Areas: Population and Community Ecology, Evolution and Development

Talk Number: 8

Title: Phylogeny tree accuracy impacts co-evolution analyses

Author(s); Institution: Julia Zheng, Kevin Liu, Gregory Bonito, Michigan State University

Theme Areas: Genetics, Computational Biology

Talk Number: 9

Title: East or West, Nests are Best: Similar nestedness patterns in larval odonate communities can arise from different ecological factors

Author(s); Institution: Karen H. Gaines, Maria Aliberti Lubertazzi PhD; University of Kansas, Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology

Theme Areas: Population and Community Ecology, Ecosystem Ecology

Talk Number: 10

Title: The Four Causes of Adaptation: How do students construct biological explanations about natural selection?

Author(s); Institution: Lucy Delaney; University of Illinois at Chicago

Theme Areas: Evolution and Development, Evolution Education and Outreach

Talk Number: 11

Title:Differences in Intraspecies Aggression Observed in Invasive Cellar Spiders Pholcus phalangioides and Pholcus manueli

Author(s); Institution: Sarah Strack, Alex Berry, Ann Rypstra; Miami University

Theme Areas: Ecosystem Ecology, Behavioral Ecology

Talk Number: 12

Title: Increasing the performance of native parasitoid wasps on the invasive fly, spotted wing drosophila, using experimental evolution

Author(s); Institution: Shelley Linder, Benjamin J. M. Jarrett, Philip Fanning, Rufus Isaacs, and Marianna Szűcs; Michigan State University

Theme Areas: Population and Community Ecology, Evolution and Development

Talk Number: 13

Title: Bison decrease tree cover and increase plant diversity within a woodland state in the Central Great Plains

Author(s); Institution: Sidney Noble, Zak Ratajczak, Keith Gido, and Brynn Ritchey, Kansas State University

Theme Areas: Conservation and Restoration Biology, Ecosystem Ecology

Talk Number: 14

Title: Limb Proportions and Locomotor Behavior in Prosimians

Author(s); Institution: Toyosi Adesinasi; Xavier University

Theme Areas: Evolution and Development