"It truly takes an army at times, including work like this, to overcome life's challenges."

We are receiving positive responses from our city's healthcare professionals. Thank you to our donors for making a direct impact on their lives.

Responses from the Community:

"Greatest respect for working to secure all those masks. My friend just told me that his oncologist friend in NY was sent to work on the COVID unit without a mask - Zero. Thankful for people like you who are dedicating you time and energy to this effort. Seriously one of the only things keeping me bright is hearing stories of people helping or knowing of people helping.

I feel like I can sleep a little better at night knowing I have what to fall back on, so I don’t end up in the scary situation above (currently asking my friend about said doctor and how I can get something to him, because that’s just terrifying)." - Anonymous RN

Posted with Permission:

UPenn ER Physician:

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