
Slides for AMTE 2020 symposium

Sharpe, C., Knapp, M., Woods, D., Lynch, S. D., Swartz, B. A., & Pinter, H. P. (2020, February). Steering into the Storm: Confronting Classroom Realities with PSTs to Address Issues of Equity. Conference presentation for the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE), Phoenix, AZ.

Billings, E., & Swartz, B. A. (2020, February). Cultivating positive mathematical dispositions via teaching: Building PSTs' mathematical dispositions through early mediated field experiences. Conference presentation at the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE). Phoenix, AZ.

AMTE 2020 MFEs in Content Course
AMTE Webinar Slides 03-25-19

Swartz, B. A., Knapp, M., & Lynch, S. D. (2019, March). How Mediated Field Experiences Transform Teacher Preparation to Meet the AMTE Standards. Webinar presentation for the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE).

Recording of Webinar (AMTE members only):

Lynch, S. D., Billings, E., Swartz, B. A., Knapp, M., Virmani, R., & Pinter, H. (2019, February). Better Than Bridging: How Mediated Field Experiences Transform Teacher Preparation to Meet the AMTE Standards. Conference presentation at the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE). Orlando, FL.

AMTE 2019 MFEs
AMTE 2019 Learning Math Through Teaching

Billings, E., & Swartz, B. A. (2019, February). Learning Mathematics Through Teaching: Building Preservice Teachers’ Content Knowledge through Early Mediated Field Experiences. Conference presentation at the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE). Orlando, FL.

AMTE 2018 Embedded Debriefs

Knapp, M., Swartz, B. A., Virmani, R., Rumsey, C. Woods, D., Schwartz, C. & Lynch, S. D. (2018, February). The Power of Debriefs in Practice-based Mathematics Education Courses. Conference presentation at the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE). Irvine, CA.