Nutrisystem Complete 55: Marie Osmond Introduces

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Great news for dieters: America's #1 diet meal delivery service Nutrisystem along with celeb spokesperson Marie Osmond introduces Complete 55, their newest plan aimed at women over the age of 55!

The Nutrisystem website includes their fab new diet plan for women. They claim it's designed for the nutritional needs of mature women, particularly those going through or past menopause.

Customer favorite Marie Osmond introduces Nutrisystem Complete 55 as she helps to spearhead the campaign that could be a major win for the company and its customers.

What is Complete 55?

As with all the successful diet plans that are available in the Nutrisystem meal delivery diet program, the Complete 55 plan for women has been designed and tested to meet the needs of its customers.

Complete 55 is a weight loss plan designed for women 55 and up and particularly during menopause.

The plan is designed to front-load calories and carbs earlier in the day, with the intention to fuel the body with essential energy when it's needed.

No More Hunger

A major feature of this plan is the eradication of constant hunger that is typical of many calorie restrictive diets with high-protein meals that take key weight loss factors into account.

This plan helps you to burn fat throughout the day as it's built for a woman's metabolism at this stage of her life.

There are some unique dietary needs that arise during and after menopause, particularly the correct amount of protein to help you feel full while you maintain lean muscle mass.

It is best to stay on this diet plan for at least three months.

In that time, you'll learn healthy habits while your body adjusts to a new, healthier way of eating.

Marie Osmond

According to Marie Osmond,

"It's no secret that as women our bodies change as we get older, especially as we go through menopause, and it's not as easy to lose weight."

"What worked before might not work any more. That's why I teamed up with the experts at Nutrisystem to create their newest plan, Complete 55."

On the website, she says that since Nutrisystem helped her navigate menopause, she is "thrilled to introduce Complete 55."

Marie added,

"Nutrisystem worked for me and helped me lose 50 pounds sixteen years ago."

"But it's not just about weight loss. It's about weight management and learning proper nutrition for a lifetime of health and wellness. Nutrisystem Complete 55 helps teach women how to do that."


According to Stephen Mikulak, President of Nutrisystem,

"In our research, we continue to see that women in their mid-fifties and above are in need of a weight loss solution that works with their bodies as they go through life's changes."

"Who better to partner with for this program than Marie Osmond. Marie has been part of the Nutrisystem family for nearly two decades and saw great success on the program. She understands the needs of women and was instrumental in helping our team of experts create this program."

As with all Nutrisystem diet plans, Complete 55 is delivered to the customer's home.


Mature women have particular weight loss dietary needs, to to fulfil those needs, top meal delivery diet company Nutrisystem along with spokesperson Marie Osmond has introduced their new Complete 55 diet plan.

The comprehensive diet plan works through a phased approached to weight loss. It is crafted to support the more mature woman's metabolism and dietary, nutritional needs.

The plan includes high protein meals that stave off hunger for longer while helping to burn fat while maintaining lean muscle mass for better health and losing weight sustainably.

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