Lastly, being a LS5 Sith or a DS5 Jedi does not make one the opposite class (A JK does not become a SW just because he's DS5; a SI does not become a JC just because she's LS5). The alignment system is relative to what side you are on not absolute:

Ah, yes. I can see it now, the Empire's finest inviting the most insane, murderous warlord to join the Empire only because they've murdered a bunch of people! Yes, it makes sense, considering all this rabble with an Emperor that wants to murder everything!

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All joking aside, no. Being Dark V doesn't make you a Sith. If anything, it makes you insane. To be Sith or Jedi you're following a code of conduct, and neither are specific to the Dark or Light Side. Any Sith could be light, it's simply about using your emotions and passions. (That doesn't make you evil, last I checked.)

Everything you stated is true, HOWEVER, it's not said that OP meant that "every DS jedi should be Sith" and "Every LS sith should be Jedi". That'd make Sith like Darth Mortis, who's actally against the war, a jedi? Sort of. And Marr would be close to a Jedi as well. I don't think that OP meant that the alignment is supposed to be "which side you are", but rather that you can "manipulate" the alignment to change sides. At least how that I saw it. That as a Jedi, the only way to change sides is *possibly* to turn to the dark side, and then go to a certain location where you can get the possibilty to change.

Of course it makes no sense for Nox to turn, nor the JC. I can't see too many problems with the Jedi Knight, if he's darkside, becoming a bit hateful towards the Jedi Order after he defeats the Emperor and is still treated "badly" because of his lack of maturity. Take this, and the fact that he gets a "New friend" in Lord Scourge, and maybe he ends up thinking that, hm, actually Marr is a quite decent guy and maybe he'd actually treat me like an equal and not like a child, even if we don't agree on everything? I don't really see any faults with the Hero of tython "joining" a less radical Empire, tbh.

I also guess that Wrath, when his "master", Mister Emperor dies, has no powerbase and no authority anymore, might feel "left out" for all his hard work and could, theoretically, leave for the Republic. It's not like he didn't kill a number of people, and while he's actually guilty of treason as well (sort of, with Vengean), he also did a lot of hard work to defeat the Republic's top generals, destroy Master Karr etc, and the small title of Lord which is in reality very little compared to what he could've gotten might make him well, spiteful. I'd certainly not be pleased. And Wrath is supposed to be arrogant and all that, (due to his favored childhood).

-So, both the Jedi Knight and Sith warrior are actually "left out" of the big boy's table, especially JK if he's dark side but the SW isn't really given anything for his hard work either. He's basically the same person he was when he became baras' apprentice, just a bit more feared.

Trooper and Agent, can't see them change sides (it just seems too wrong), but well. Agent can already do it, so.. well. Maybe the Trooper gets angry after he sees how his new supreme chancellor treats the soldiers and decides, hey, my former fellow-soldiers were right, the republic is filth, go Empire!"

For example, my SW, Nasirah is LS she kills only when necessary, never the innocent if it can be helped, remains calm in battle, and sees advantages to the Jedi code. Which, when she can, pulls for that as well as the Sith code. I could easily see her going to the Jedi. In fact, unless I am mistaken....

For the inquisitors I don't see why "Darth Nox" couldn't defect. There's an NPC in the Jedi Knight class story that was once a member of the Dark Council who indeed did defect and joined the Jedi Order.

If Lord Scourge can defect, why can't the new Emperor's Wrath? Also another prominent "honorable sith warrior" type NPC from the Jedi Knight story (encountered on Tatooine) defected and joined the Jedi Order.

Companions could also come over - all that it requires is reasonable explanation. Some of them might be a bit far-fetched, but honestly I'm trying to wrap my head around that would be bad and the idea that my dark side assassin just *had* to keep Ashara "I won't be a sith" Zavros without spacing her, or why my light side bounty hunter wouldn't have just told Skadge to take a hike at the next port of call (assuming I even let him on my ship in the first place).

I think this is something that should be added but I think this should like a advanced class get the option (maybe after SoR or something) to flip sides but once flipped it can never be reversed, and I think you

lose companions when you do it (if that companion would never flip) example: Sith Warrior DS Jaesa would not flip back to the Republic and the Jedi so if I choose to switch allegiences she would leave me.

Bounty Hunter was greatly wronged by the Republic, I don't see Gault, Torian and Skadge agreeing to change sides, probably Mako, too, considering her past. Blizz probably doesn't care as long as he's with you.

I think one of the reasons this comes up so much is that such options are available in other MMORPGs (though sometimes the change requires you to change race too, such as in WoW). The big difference though between all those other MMORPGs and SWTOR is what's been stated here so often....story.

SWTOR is unique in the MMORPG world due to having eight unique storylines directly tied with not only faction, but class and even gender. This story is then intertwined with the five other stories you get with your companions. This is why changing Faction, Class or Gender just can't happen here.

Easy. A powerful Darth, namely Thanaton, wants you dead. Why not leave then? It'd be simple to leave the Empire AFTER he destroys your force bubble and shows you how powerful he really is. Then it'd be simple to say "F*** this guys, I'm changing sides!"

No way, in a million years, would someone go through all this to change sides. Nox is likely the least probable defect in the entire game. Simply because he has the chance to defect and refuses, as he wish to fight for his place, not just within the Empire, but within the Sith Order. He's not the Wrath. He's all alone, yet he chose to stay and fight for his place. He's a pure sith. The Wrath could argueable leave, but Nox cannot. It would make no sense whatsoever. Wrath might want revenge and all that, then change sides due to the lack of respect given + we don't really get the impression that he is a "Pure sith", in many cases he doesn't even seem to be a sith, just a Dark Side user. (Mainly if you're Dark V, SW as Dark V is not Sith anymore. His loyalty is too far off).

Nox, on the other hand. He had no help, he didn't have the Emperor's backing against a more powerful Sith than Baras. Sure, Baras is a more intelligent Sith, but he's also fighting another Dark Council member at the same time as you, meaning that you're not against his entire powerbase. His powerbase is likely stronger, but it's devided towards multiple opponents and hence less effective anyways. And Thanaton is much, much more experienced in the Dark arts than Baras. He has more feats, he has proven his strenght. He's a much, much more dangerous man in combat than Baras. Baras is a schemer, while Thanaton studies Dark arts at Malachor or Yavin, then Baras looks at numbers and all that. Sure, he's more valuable in a war. Yet he's much weaker, no doubt about it. Nox has a much more challenging opponent, and he's all alone. Why, in god's name, would he stay in the Empire like this, if he was not a Sith at heart? Wrath might be insane and murder Sith, even the one that side by him (Alderaan, FemRiss and all that). Nox might not kill any "good" Sith, he kills his enemies or rivals. The only "Murder" (Hiran), which I don't like due to his father being nice, is acceptable. He insults you, that doesn't make you a traitor. A bad man, perhaps. But it can't be compared to Warrior and his lack of patriotism. And he is actually, no matter how you play it, a Sith loyalist. Wrath might let Jedi live, might have his Apprentice as Jedi, meaning that he can be

Nox, on the other hand, is Sith. Might be light or dark, but it's no "jedi" tendencies here, it's purely and simply a Sith. He could easily defect. He didn't. He had no help, no allies, yet he does as Thanaton suggest when you speak before the end of Act 1. "A Sith must carve out his own victories."

Hence, Nox cannot, under any circumstances, "defect." It'd make no sense whatsoever to the story. Personal RP aside, it'd be silly. The JC are likely the only character with that many reasons to never defect. But for Nox to defect... Nope. Then Act 1 would be the ending of the game, and Act 2 and 3 would never happen. Once Kallig saves Nox in the grave, Nox will flee to Republic space. If he does not, then he'll never leave. Nobody goes through that much effort for something not personal. Wrath has a personal vendetta against Baras, but Nox has no reason to feel this strongly about Thanaton. Hence, he stays because of his strong emotions for the Sith. No way around it. 152ee80cbc

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