


1. Khan, M. I., Ferdous, S.F. & Adnan, A. (2021). Mechanical behavior of actin and spectrin subjected to high strain rate: a molecular dynamics simulation study. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 19 (1738-1749).

2. Khan, M. I., Hasan, F., Mahmud, K.A.H.A. & Adnan, A. (2021). Viscoelastic response of neurofilaments: an atomistic simulation approach. Biomolecules, 11, 540.

3. Khan, M. I., Hasan, F., Al Mahmud, K. A. H., & Adnan, A. (2021). Domain focused and residue focused phosphorylation effect on tau protein: a molecular dynamics simulation study. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 113 (2021)-104149.

4. Khan, M. I., Gilpin, K., Hasan, F., Mahmud, K.A.H.A. & Adnan, A. (2021). Effect of strain rate on single tau, dimerized tau, and tau-microtubule interaction: a molecular dynamics simulation study. Biomolecules, 11, 1308.

5. Khan, M. I., Hasan, F., Al Mahmud, K. A. H., & Adnan, A. (2020). Recent computational approaches on mechanical behavior of axonal cytoskeletal components of neuron: a brief review. Multiscale Science and Engineering, 1-15.

6. Khan, M. I., Ferdous, S.F. & Adnan, A. (2021). Mechanical behavior of axonal actin, spectrin, and their periodic structure: a brief review. Multiscale Science and Engineering, 1-20.

7. Mahmud, K.A.H., Hasan, F., Khan, M. I., & Adnan, A. (2020). On the molecular level cavitation in soft gelatin hydrogel. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 1-13.

8. Mahmud, K.A.H.A., Hasan, F., Khan, M.I., & Adnan, A. (2022). Shock induced damage mechanism in perineuronal net. Biomolecules, 12(1), 10.

9. Hasan, F., Mahmud, K.A.H., Khan, M.I., Kang, W. & Adnan, A. (2020). Effect of random fiber network on the bubble growth in gelatin hydrogel. Soft Matter.

10. Hasan, F., Mahmud, K.A.H., Khan, M.I. & Adnan, A. (2021). Cavitation induced damage in soft biomaterials. Multiscale Science and Engineering, 1-21.

11. Hossain, M. K., Khan, M. I., & El-Denglawey, A. (2021). A review on biomedical applications, prospects, and challenges of rare earth oxides. Applied Materials Today, 24, 101104.

12. Hossain, M.K., Hossain, S., Ahmed, M.H., Khan, M.I., Haque, N. & Raihan, G.A. (2021). A review on optical applications, prospects, and challenges of rare earth oxides. ACS Applied Electronic Materials.

13. Hossain, M.K., Ahmed, M.H., Khan, M.I., Miah, M.S. & Hossain, S. (2021). Recent Progress of Rare Earth Oxides for Sensor, Detector, and Electronic Device Applications: A Review. ACS Applied Electronic Materials.

14. Hossain, M. K., Biswas, M. C., Chanda, R. K., Rubel, M. H., Khan, M. I., & Hashizume, K. (2021). A review on experimental and theoretical studies of perovskite barium zirconate proton conductors. Emergent Materials, 1-29.

15. Siddique, I. J., Khan, M. I. & Razzaque, M. M. (2017). Development of economical overload detection system for maritime vehicles in Bangladesh. Journal of Maritime Research, 14(3), 4-4.

Conference Papers

1. Hossain, M. K., Khan, M. I., Akash, T. S., & Hashizume, K. (2021). Molecular Dynamics Simulation for Barium Zirconate Proton Conducting Oxide Energy Materials: A Mini Review. Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University.

2. Razzaque, M. M., Alam, M. K. & Khan, M. I. (2016). Effect of erodent particles on the erosion of metal specimens. AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1754, No. 1, p. 060018). AIP Publishing.

Posters, Technical Presentations, and Invited Talks

1. Khan, M. I. (2021) Computational Mechanics to Solve Biophysical Problems. Invited Talk. Multiscale Mechanical Modeling and Research Network.

2. Khan, M. I. & Adnan, A. (2019) Effect of strain rate on tau protein: a molecular dynamics simulation study. Technical Presentation. IMECE2019-13906, Salt Lake City, Utah.

3. Hasan, F., Mahmud, K. A. H & Khan, M. I. (2019). Mild traumatic brain injury and multiscale damage mechanism in brain. 1st TBI symposium at the University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas.

4. Adnan, A., Wu, Y., Hasan, F. & Khan, M. I. (2017). Computational study on blast-like shock-induced cavitation bubble dynamics inside brain's extracellular matrix. Military Health System Research Symposium, Kissimmee, Florida.