Academic Integrity

As a student, your number one task is to learn new things but just like your professors, you are a member of the university who contributes knowledge and ideas. Academics (like you) build knowledge through rigorous research and expand on the ideas of others. As a university student, you are expected to submit original work and give credit to other peoples' ideas. In short, academic integrity is honest and responsible scholarship. As an academic (yes, even in the first year) you are expected to contribute to this research and knowledge building by sharing your own ideas, evaluations, and arguments. Your professor isn't looking for you to write the "perfect" paper, they are looking for you to do some original thought. This includes:

  • Honesty during examinations

  • Creating and expressing your own ideas in coursework

  • Acknowledging all sources of information

  • Completing assignments independently or acknowledging collaboration

  • Accurately reporting results when conducting your own research or with respect to labs