Peer-Reviewed Articles
[12] Islam, M. R. 2025. Tropical Cyclones in Bangladesh: Retrospective Analysis of Storm Information, Disaster Statistics, and Preparedness. Environmental Research Communications, 7 (1), 015003, IOP Science [Link]
[11] Islam, M. R., Duc, L., Sawada, Y. 2023. Assessing Storm Surge Multi-Scenarios based on Ensemble Tropical Cyclone Forecasting, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128 (23), e2023JD038903, AGU (Wiley) [Link]
[10] Islam, M. R., Duc, L., Sawada, Y., Satoh, M. 2023. Does mean sea level trend mask historical storm surge trend: Evidence from tropical cyclones affecting Japan since 1980. Environmental Research Letters, IOP Science [Link]
[9] Takagi H., Anh, L. T., Islam, M. R., Hossain, T. T. 2022. Progress of disaster mitigation against tropical cyclones and storm surges: a comparative study of Bangladesh, Vietnam, and Japan. Coastal Engineering Journal, 65 (1), Taylor & Francis [Link]
[8] Islam, M. R., Satoh, M., Takagi, H. 2022. Tropical Cyclones Affecting Japan Central Coast and Changing Storm Surge Hazard since 1980. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan 100 (3) [Link]
[7] Islam, M. R., Lee, C-Y., Mandli, K. Takagi, H. 2021. A new tropical cyclone surge index incorporating the effects of coastal geometry, storm track, and bathymetry. Scientific Reports 11, 16747, Springer Nature [Link]
[6] Islam, M. R., Raja, D. R. 2021. Waterlogging risk assessment: An undervalued disaster risk in coastal urban community of Chattogram, Bangladesh. Earth 2 (1): 151 – 173, MDPI [Link]
[5] Islam, M. R., Takagi, H. 2021. Statistical significance of tropical cyclone forward speed on storm surge generation: retrospective analysis of best track and tidal data in Japan. Georisk 15 (3), 247 – 257, Taylor & Francis [Link]
[4] Islam, M. R., Takagi, H. 2020. Typhoon parameter sensitivity of storm surge in the semi-enclosed Tokyo Bay. Frontiers of Earth Science 14 (3): 553 – 567, Springer [Link]
[3] Takagi H., Islam, M. R., Anh, L. T., Takahashi, A., Sugiu, T., Fumitaka, F. 2020. Investigation of high wave damage caused by 2019 Typhoon Faxai in Kanto region and wave hindcast in Tokyo Bay. Japan. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B3 (Ocean Engineering), Vol. 76 (1) [Link]
[2] Islam, M. R., Takagi, H., Anh, L. T., Takahashi, A., Bowei, K. 2018. 2017 Typhoon Lan Reconnaissance Field Survey in Coasts of Kanto Region, Japan, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B3 (Ocean Engineering), Vol. 74 (2) [Link]
[1] Ashraf, M. A., Islam, M. R., Adnan, S.G. 2015. GIS and multi criteria decision method based approach of identifying appropriate landfill sites for the city of Chittagong, International Journal of Environment, Vol. 4 (1) [Link]
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
[1] Islam, M. R., Duc, L., Sawada, Y. 2024. Forecasting multi-hazard scenarios with ensemble tropical cyclone forecasts. 38th International Conference on Coastal Engineering.
[2] Islam M. R., Takagi, H. 2019. On the importance of typhoon size in storm surge forecasting. Water, Flood Management and Water Security Under a Changing Climate, Springer [Link]
[1] Islam, M. R., Duc, L., Sawada, Y. Dataset for "Assessing Storm Surge Multi-Scenarios based on Ensemble Tropical Cyclone Forecasting" [Link]
[2] Islam, M. R., Satoh, M., Takagi, H. 2022. Data for Tropical Cyclone Affecting Japan Central Coast [Link]
[1] Islam, M. R., Sawada, Y. What Tropical Cyclone Induces Risk: From the Perspective of Multi-Dimensional Ranking of Historical Tropical Cyclones, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society (under review).
[8] Visiting Research Fellowship, Space Science and Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin – Madison, USA, April 2020 (postponed due to Covid-19)
[7] Best Presentation Award, Workshop on student activities, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2020: Spring and Fall semester
[6] Best Conference Paper Award, 13th Asia-Oceania Top University League on Engineering (AOTULE), Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, Nov 2018.
[5] Japan Government Scholarship (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology: MEXT), International Graduate Program (Ph.D.) Oct 2018
[4] Best Master’s Thesis Presentation Award, Department of Transdisciplinary Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Sep 2018.
[3] Japan Government Scholarship (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology: MEXT), International Graduate Program (MEng.), Oct 2016
[2] Undergraduate University Merit Scholarship, Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh
[1] Best Conference Paper Award, WasteSafe 2013, Khulna, Bangladesh
[24] Islam, M. R., Le Duc, Y. Sawada, T. Oizumi, T. Ota, and T. Kawabata, Influence of Rainfall Uncertainty in Large Ensemble Tropical Cyclone Forecasts on Flood Hazard Assessment, International Symposium on Weather Controllability, 2024, October, (Poster).
[23] Islam, M. R., Le Duc and Y. Sawada, Forecasting multi-hazard scenarios with ensemble tropical cyclone forecasts, 38th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, 2024, September (Oral).
[22] Islam, M. R., Le Duc and Y. Sawada, Advancing Multi-Hazard Worst-Case Scenario Analysis: Maximizing the Potential of Large Ensemble Tropical Cyclone Forecasts, The 9th Global Energy and Water Exchanges (GEWEX) Open Science Conference, 2024, July (Oral)
[21] Islam, M. R., Le Duc, Y. Sawada and M. Satoh, What Drives Extreme Sea Levels in Japan: Unraveling the Dynamics of Storm Surge and Mean Sea Level Trends, Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) Meeting 2024, May (Invited - Oral)
[20] Islam, M. R., Le Duc and Y. Sawada, Reflecting Multi-Hazard Multi Scenarios: Leveraging Ensemble Tropical Cyclone Forecasts, AGU Fall Meeting, 11-15 December, 2023 (Oral)
[19] Islam, M. R., Has Tropical Cyclone Disaster Risk Increased in Bangladesh: Retrospective Analysis of Storm Information, Disaster Statistics, and Mitigation Measures, AGU Fall Meeting, 11-15 December, 2023 (Poster)
[18] Sawada, Y., M. R. Islam, Le Duc et al., What is heavy rain/typhoon control that allows social decision-making? Japan Meteorological Society Autumn Meeting, 23-26 Oct, 2023 (Oral)
[17] Islam, M. R., Le Duc and Y. Sawada, Assessing Multi-Hazard Multi-Scenarios with Ensemble Tropical Cyclone Forecasts: Unveiling Opportunities and Challenges in Extreme Weather Control, International Symposium on Theory of Weather Controllability, Kobe-Japan, 28 Aug, 2023 (Poster)
[16] Islam, M. R., Le Duc, Y. Sawada, and M. Satoh, Does Mean Sea Level Trend Mask Historical Storm Surge Trend: Evidence from Tropical Cyclones Affecting Japan since 1980, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 20th Annual Meeting, 30 July-4 Aug, 2023 (Oral)
[15] Islam, M. R., Le Duc and Y. Sawada, A Novel Way of Assessing Storm Surge Multi-scenarios Based on Ensemble Tropical Cyclone Forecast, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 20th Annual Meeting, 30 July-4 Aug, 2023 (Oral)
[14] Islam, M. R., Le Duc and Y. Sawada, Wide-area storm surge risk management using large ensemble weather forecasting, Japan Meteorological Society Spring Conference, 16-18 May, 2023 (Oral)
[13] Islam, M. R., Le Duc and Y. Sawada, Ensemble forecasting of storm surge multi-scenarios, EWRI (ASCE) - IWFM 11th International Perspectives on Water Resources and the Environment, 4-6 Jan, 2023 (Oral)
[12] Islam, M. R. Introducing a new tropical cyclone surge index for Bangladesh: moving towards impact-based forecasts and risk-based warnings, EWRI (ASCE) - IWFM 11th International Perspectives on Water Resources and the Environment, 4-6 Jan, 2023 (Oral)
[11] Showkat, S., C. Mozumder, S. Ninsawat, S. Ochia and M. R. Islam, Sea surface temperature and rainfall variability in Bangladesh during 2008–2017, EWRI (ASCE) - IWFM 11th International Perspectives on Water Resources and the Environment, 4-6 Jan, 2023 (Oral)
[10] Islam, M. R., M. Satoh, Y. Sawada and Le Duc, Recent Changes in Japan Storm Surge Hazards are Consistent with Mean Sea Level Rise and Caused by the Intensification and Widening of Tropical Cyclones, AGU Fall meeting, 12-16 December, 2022 (Oral)
[9] Islam, M. R., Le Duc and Y. Sawada, Harnessing Large Ensemble Forecast to Support Decision-Making for Storm Surge Risk Management, AGU Fall meeting, 12-16 December, 2022 (Poster)
[8] Islam, M. R., C-Y. Lee, K. T. Mandli and H. Takagi, Storm Surge Hazard Potential Index: An Improved Index Incorporating the Effects of Coastal Geometry, Bathymetry and Storm Information, AMS 35th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 09-13 May 2022 (Oral)
[7] Islam, M. R., M. Satoh and H. Takagi, Recent Increases in Storm Surge Hazard along the Japan Central Coast, AMS 35th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 09-13 May 2022 (Poster)
[6] Islam M. R. and H. Takagi, The association of tropical cyclone translation speed with storm surge. 8th International Conference on Water and Flood Management, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh, 29-31 Mar 2021 (Oral)
[5] Islam M. R. and K. I. Wahid, Tropical cyclone warning signals in Bangladesh: can recent tropical cyclone risk be explained from warning signals, 8th International Conference on Water and Flood Management, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh, 29-31 Mar 2021 (Oral)
[4] Islam M. R. and H. Takagi, Evaluating statistical significance of tropical cyclone forward speed on storm surge and wave generation: retrospective analysis of best track, wave, and tidal data in Japan, AGU Fall Meeting 2020 (Poster)
[3] Islam M. R. and H. Takagi, On the Factors Influencing Storm Surges in the Semi-enclosed Tokyo Bay, 13th Asia-Oceania Top University League on Engineering (AOTULE), Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, Nov 2018 (Oral)
[2] Islam M. R. and H. Takagi, 2017 Typhoon Lan reconnaissance field survey in coasts of Kanto region, Japan. 43rd Japan Society of Civil Engineers Ocean Development Symposium, Japan, 5-6 Jul, 2018
[1] Islam M. R. and Raja, D. R, Waterlogging Vulnerability Assessment of Coastal Urban Community: A Case Study of Chittagong City Corporation Area, Bangladesh. UNISDR Science and Technology Conference on the Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, Switzerland, 27-29 Jan, 2016 (poster presentation).
[4] 2024/4 - 2025/3, Research Grant from The Obayashi Foundation, "Factors Influencing Extreme Sea Level Events in East Asian Coastal Metropolises: Natural and Anthropogenic Drivers" (Principal Investigator: 1.5 million JPY)
[3] 2023/4 - 2026/3, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI (Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists), "Unraveling the Compound Effect from Storm Surge and Mean Sea Level Change in Asian Megacities" (Principal Investigator: 4.3 million JPY)
[2] 2020/4 - 2021/3, Obayashi Foundation, Japan, "Overseas Practical Training Grant for Research Visit to University of Wisconsin - Madison and the University of Tokyo" (Principal Investigator: 0.8 million JPY)