LEad paint testing

Baltimore, Maryland

Our lead Paint Home Inspectors

Lead paint testing in Baltimore, Maryland for pre 1978 homeowners who need a certified Lead Paint Home Inspector to obtain a 330 certificate. These lead paint inspectors visually inspect interior and the exterior for damaged, chipping, cracking, flaking or deteriorated paint that may cause lead dust to be come friable. That has a risk that may cause lead poisoning. This inspection includes a dust sampling that is later sent too a lab laboratory for testing. If passed the inspector will then proceed in doing the issuing the owner or agent of the owner a 330 certificate. If the inspection fails the dust inspection the owner then has 30 days from the inspection to clean properly by a lead safe certified firm or becoming a frim their self and properly cleaning the property. This Lead Paint dust inspection is referred to as a Dust Wipe Inspection which is demonstrated in the below video.

Visual LEAD Inspection

The interior

Areas that will be inspected are including the Basement, Hallways, Living Room, Dining Room, Bathroom, Bedrooms, Foyers, Laundry rooms, Offices, Pantries, Doors (for non-rubbing), Windows (if Wood, Plastic or Metal).

The Exterior

Areas with in a 75 foot radius within the property lines will be visually inspected are the Windows, Fencing, Doors, Shed, Cornish, Roof, Fascias, Hand rails, Post Soffits, porches, Cement, Brick, Foundation, and Siding.

Clearance Testing

Clearance Lead paint testing is only done if a contractor home improvement company or handyman dose work on your home and you want to make sure there is no left lead dust in the area the work was performed. (There is a fine of $27,000 dollar for working with a contractor)


This lead paint inspection requires a Visual and Dust verification, which is generally conducted in a vacant unit prior to occupancy by a tenant. In some cases, the inspector might have to do an inspection on a home with tenants because of changes to laws and legal manners. During the process of an inspection, it is beneficial for tenants not to be at the home while the inspections are taking place. The inspector on site will have to inspect all areas of the home and any paint 75 feet away from the home, which is the property of the owner.

A lead inspector must collect dust samples from each room and livable space in the unit in which children are able to meet.

Each dust sample must be analyzed by a qualified laboratory; the results must fall below specified levels. In general, testing for lead-contaminated dust is most likely to be successful in a clean, well-maintained property. Flaking or chalking lead paint on windows, in particular, may be an important source of lead dust in a unit. This inspection does not certify that there is no lead in the home it is just to verify the hazard has been reduced

Modified Risk Reduction

This inspection is for a notice of elevated lead blood level in a child.

Standards require the owner to have hire a Visual Inspector to, perform a Dust Inspection, and are generally conducted in an unoccupied unit in response to either a:

(a) A notice of defective paint or related conditions which may increase the risk of lead exposure; or

(b) A notice that a child or pregnant woman in a home/ unit that has a lead level of 10 micrograms or higher per deciliter of blood.

(c) Prior to the Visual Inspection, the property owner should review the Lead Hazard Reduction Requirements of the law.

All work performed must meet the lead hazard reduction regulations, and must be conducted by a Maryland Department of Environment Accredited Contractor or Supervisor. After all, work has been completed; an accredited Lead Paint Visual Inspector or Lead Paint Risk Assessor may verify that the necessary work has been satisfactorily completed and can then issue the certificate.

XRF Inspection

This XRF inspection consists of the use top-notch inspection services that will verify that your home is below lead paint regulated levels. The way to verify of being lead free is to have an inspector technician to use X-Ray technologies that shoot under the paint surface by choosing an component or substrate.

Exterior Waivers

This Exterior Waiver Inspection is a waiver of regulations because temperatures under 40-degree will not dry properly. This waiver is from November to April 1 – 30 and is only given by a lead paint certified inspector contractor.

Maryland Lead Paint Testing Inspectors and contractors

Supervisors Paint Removal and Demolition for Residential and Commercial Contracting.

Maryland Paint Supervisor, #17883

Lead Paint Home INspector

Maryland Paint Inspector Technician, #15319

Maryland Department of Environment