Distribution of ISRP

Distribution of ISRP

# First, we simulate data from a multivariate normal setup with logistic mean and then  # will the estimates of r and K and then their distribution.  We also check the accuracy # of the delta method in approximating the sampling distribution of the estimates of the # parameters.

# Initial parameters setup

K = 100 # carrying capacity     

x0 = 10 # initial population size

r0 = 0.3 # initial intrinsic growth rate

t = seq(from = 0, to = 19, by = 1) # time

h = numeric(length = length(t)-1) # difference between two consecutive time pionts

for(i in 1:(length(t)-1)){

  h[i] = t[i+1] - t[i]


mu = K/(1 + (K/x0 - 1)*exp(-r0*t))  # Mean of the logistic model

par(mfrow = c(1,1))

par(mar = c(5.1, 5.1, 4.1, 2.1)) # for resizing the plot

# Plot of the size profile for logistic model

plot(t, mu, col = "red", lwd=2, type = "b", pch = 19, ylab = "size, X(t)", xlab = "time (t)")

# Now we will create the covariance matrix which follows Koopmans structure

sigma2 = 0.01    # variance of X(t)

rho = 0.1   # Correlation between X(t) and X(t+1)

cov_mat = matrix(data = NA, nrow = length(t), ncol = length(t))   # covariance matrix

for (i in 1:length(t)) {

  for (j in 1:length(t)) {

    cov_mat[i,j] = sigma2*rho^(abs(i-j))



n = 1000     # number of trajectories

rep = 1000   # number of replication

# Define the Matrix to store estmated values of r

est_interval_r = matrix(data = NA, nrow = rep, ncol = length(t)-2) 

# simulation of artificial data sets for n trajectories and 1000 replication with multivariate normal setup

for (i in 1:rep) {


  data = mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n, mean = mu, sigma = cov_mat)

  data_mean = colMeans(data)


  # Inteval estimates of r

  for(j in 1:(length(t)-2)){

    num = 1/data_mean[j] - 1/data_mean[j+1]

    den = 1/data_mean[j+1] - 1/data_mean[j+2]

    est_interval_r[i,j] = (1/h[j])*log(num/den)



# Visualization of the sampling distribution of the interval estimates of r  by histogram


for (j in 1:(length(t)-2)) {

  hist(est_interval_r[,j], probability = TRUE, col = "grey", 

       xlab = expression(r), main = paste("t = ", j), breaks = 30)

  points(r0, 0, col = "red", pch = 19, cex = 2)


# Calculation of the mean and variance of the interval estimators of r.

# The analytical expression is given in Karim et al. (2013), which are calculated by uing the delta method.

# Calculation of Mean 

delta_mean_r = numeric(length = length(t)-2)

for(i in 1:(length(t)-2)){

  num = 1/mu[i] - 1/mu[i+1]

  den = 1/mu[i+1] - 1/mu[i+2]

  delta_mean_r[i] = (1/h[i])*log(num/den)



# Calculation of Variance 

delta_var_r = numeric(length = length(t)-2)

grad_phi = matrix(data = NA, nrow = 3, ncol = length(t)-2)

for (j in 1:(length(t)-2)) {

  partial_1 = (-mu[j+1])/(mu[j]*(mu[j+1]-mu[j]))

  partial_2 = (mu[j+2]-mu[j])/((mu[j+1]-mu[j])*(mu[j+2]-mu[j+1]))

  partial_3 = (-mu[j+1])/(mu[j+2]*(mu[j+2]-mu[j+1]))

  grad_phi[,j] = (1/h[j])*c(partial_1, partial_2, partial_3)


sub_cov_mat = cov_mat[1:3, 1:3]

for (j in 1:(length(t)-2)) {

  delta_var_r[j] = t(grad_phi[,j])%*%sub_cov_mat%*%grad_phi[,j]



# Section for the histogram of estimates of r and calculation of estimated variance

centered_r_vals = matrix(data = NA, nrow = rep, ncol = length(t)-2)

for(j in 1:(length(t)-2)){

  centered_r_vals[,j] = sqrt(n)*(est_interval_r[,j] - delta_mean_r[j])


for (j in 1:(length(t)-2)) {

  hist(centered_r_vals[,j], probability = TRUE, col = "grey", 

       main = paste("t = ",j), xlab = expression(r), breaks = 30)

  curve(dnorm(x, mean = 0, sd = sqrt(delta_var_r[j])), lwd=2, 

        add= TRUE, col = "red" )


# Now we will compare the estimated variance with the variance derived by using the delta method 


par(mar = c(5.1, 5.1, 4.1, 2.1))

plot(apply(centered_r_vals[,(1:18)], 2, var), 

     type = "b", col = "red", lwd= 2, xlab=expression(bold(Time(t))), 

     ylab = expression(bold(widehat(r[j](Delta~t)))))

lines(delta_var_r, lwd=2, col = "grey")

legend("topleft", c("estimated variance", "delta method"), 

       col = c("red", "grey"), lwd= c(2,2), bty = "n")

axis(1,font = 2); axis(2,font = 2)

# Boxplot of estimates of r for logistic model

boxplot(est_interval_r[,(1:18)], col = "grey", xlab=expression(bold(Time(t))), lwd=2, 

        ylab = expression(bold(widehat(r[j](Delta~t)))))

axis(1,font = 2); axis(2,font = 2)

# Define the Matrix to store estmated values of K

est_interval_K = matrix(data = NA, nrow = rep, ncol = length(t)-2)

# simulation of artificial data sets for n trajectories and 1000 replication with multivariate normal setup for K.

for (i in 1:rep) {


  data = mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n, mean = mu, sigma = cov_mat)

  data_mean = colMeans(data)

  for(j in 1:(length(t)-2)){

    num = ((data_mean[j+1] - data_mean[j])^((t[j]/h[j])+2))*((data_mean[j+2])^((t[j]/h[j])+1))

    den = ((data_mean[j+2] - data_mean[j+1])^(t[j]/h[j]))*((data_mean[j])^((t[j]/h[j])+1))*


    den2= ((data_mean[j+2]*(data_mean[j+1] - data_mean[j])))-


    est_interval_K[i,j] = ((1/data_mean[1])-(num/(den*den2)))^(-1)



# Visualization of the sampling distribution of the interval estimates of K  by histogram


for (j in 1:(length(t)-2)) {

  hist(est_interval_K[,j], probability = TRUE, col = "grey", 

       xlab = expression(K), main = paste("t = ", j), breaks = 30)

  points(K, 0, col = "red", pch = 19, cex = 2)


# Calculation of the mean and variance of the interval estimators of K

# The analytical expression is given in Karim et al. (2013), which are calculated by uing the delta method.

# Section for mean 

delta_mean_K = numeric(length = length(t)-2)

for(i in 1:(length(t)-2)){

  num = ((mu[i+1] - mu[i])^((t[i]/h[i])+2))*((mu[i+2])^((t[i]/h[i])+1))

  den = ((mu[i+2] - mu[i+1])^(t[i]/h[i]))*((mu[i])^((t[i]/h[i])+1))*(mu[i+1])

  den2= ((mu[i+2]*(mu[i+1] - mu[i])))-(mu[i]*(mu[i+2]-mu[i+1]))

  delta_mean_K[i] = ((1/mu[1])-(num/(den*den2)))^(-1)



# Section for variance

delta_var_K = numeric(length = length(t)-2)

grad_phi = matrix(data = NA, nrow = 3, ncol = length(t)-2)

for (j in 1:(length(t)-2)) {

  num = ((mu[i+1] - mu[i])^((t[i]/h[i])+2))*((mu[i+2])^((t[i]/h[i])+1))

  den = ((mu[i+2] - mu[i+1])^(t[i]/h[i]))*((mu[i])^((t[i]/h[i])+1))*(mu[i+1])

  den2= ((mu[i+2]*(mu[i+1] - mu[i])))-(mu[i]*(mu[i+2]-mu[i+1]))

  partial_1 = -(((t[j]/h[j])+2)/(mu[j+1]-mu[j]))-(((t[j]/h[j])+1)/mu[j])+


  partial_2 = (((t[j]/h[j])+2)/(mu[j+1]-mu[j]))+((t[j]/h[j])/(mu[j+2]-mu[j+1]))-(1/mu[j+1])-


  partial_3 = (((t[j]/h[j])+1)/(mu[j+2]))-((t[j]/h[j])/(mu[j+2]-mu[j+1]))+




  grad_phi[,j] = (zi/phi)*c(partial_1, partial_2, partial_3)


sub_cov_mat = cov_mat[1:3, 1:3]

for (j in 1:(length(t)-2)) {

  delta_var_K[j] = t(grad_phi[,j])%*%sub_cov_mat%*%grad_phi[,j]



# Section for the histogram of estimates of K and calculation of estimated variance

centered_K_vals = matrix(data = NA, nrow = rep, ncol = length(t)-2)

for(j in 1:(length(t)-2)){

  centered_K_vals[,j] = sqrt(n)*(est_interval_K[,j] - delta_mean_K[j])


for (j in 1:(length(t)-2)) {

  hist(centered_K_vals[,j], probability = TRUE, col = "grey", 

       main = paste("t = ",j), xlab = expression(r), breaks = 30)

  curve(dnorm(x, mean = 0, sd = sqrt(delta_var_K[j])), lwd=2, 

        add= TRUE, col = "red" )


# Now we will compare the estimated variance with the variance derived by using the delta method 


par(mar = c(5.1, 5.1, 4.1, 2.1))

plot(apply(centered_K_vals, 2, var), 

     type = "b", col = "red", lwd= 2,  xlab=expression(bold(Time(t))), 

     ylab = expression(bold(widehat(K[j](Delta~t)))))

lines(delta_var_K, lwd=2, col = "grey")

legend("topleft", c("estimated variance", "delta method"), 

       col = c("red", "grey"), lwd= c(2,2), bty = "n")

axis(1,font = 2); axis(2,font = 2)

# Boxplot of estimates of K for logistic model

boxplot(est_interval_K, col = "grey",  xlab=expression(bold(Time(t))), lwd=2, 

        ylab = expression(bold(widehat(K[j](Delta~t)))))

axis(1,font = 2); axis(2,font = 2)