
MCWW hosts a number of online events. See what discussion groups, book studies, and other events have been hosted in the past and look to see what might be upcoming.

Upcoming Events

(Check back here for a listing of upcoming MCWW events.)

Hosting Your Own Online Event

Do you have an event like a meeting, Bible study, or lecture you would like to host online and need some assistance to get started? Contact MCWW.


Book Study

MCWW hosted a six-week online book study. The book was Rob Bell's Jesus Wants to Save Christians. About two dozen people from across the country participated. Each week, the group read a chapter and gathered together online to discuss what they read in large and small groups.

Camp Check-In

Two months after the summer camps were done, MCWW hosted an online camp check-in for anyone who attended any of the North American Moravian senior high camps. Each of the five camps were represented. Stories and ideas were shared across camps as learnings and highlights were relived once again.


On March 1, 2016, MCWW challenged everyone to find 559 pictures of people serving others on their social media accounts and tag them as #MoravianServies in honor of the 559th anniversary of the founding of the Moravian Church (Unitas Fratrum). The goal was shattered and the count was lost along the way! An article appeared in the Moravian Magazine about it.

Google Hangouts

This series of events is what inspired MCWW to try new and creative things. MCWW hosted weekly online hangouts via Google Hangouts for an extended period of time. In total, dozens of people participated in these hangouts. They would come online to discuss various topics, watch YouTube videos, study scripture, pray together, build relationships, and play games with each other. The success of these groups led to opportunities for MCWW to teach other Moravian groups such as the Board of World Mission to help them get started with hosting online video meetings for their staff and mission teams.

Pictured here is a graphic composed of different prayer concerns raised by a group during an online hangout.