Scientific sessions

Structure and Dynamics

Photons, Light and Matter

Radioactivity and its Applications

Emerging Areas in Modern Science

We invite abstracts from PhD students and Postdoctoral fellows for poster presentations and from Faculty members for talks under these themes. All abstracts will undergo review by an expert panel. Talks will be of 15 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of discussion.

The proceedings of the conference will be published as a special issue of the Proceedings of INSA.

Abstract submission is now CLOSED.


Participants are requested to register for the conference.

Please note:

1. Abstracts can be submitted only through the link provided.

2. Abstracts should have a clear title and names of all authors.

3. The name of the speaker should be highlighted using bold lettering.

4. The abstracts should not be more than 350 words in length.

5. An individual can submit only one abstract as presenting author.