Daily Reading Activities

May 1st:

Happy "Field Trip Friday"! Check out the Smithsonian's exciting virtual tours to many of their exhibits. Explore the National Museum of Natural History as though you're there in person. Happy exploring!

April 30th:

Check out these companion websites to some of your favorite books! Before/after or while reading, check out these websites to find activities related to characters you're reading about. Enjoy exploring!

April 29th:

Have you tired cooking and baking with your family while at home? Do you enjoy trying out new recipes? Cook books are are always flying off the shelves in the McKinley library! Explore these websites to read about new recipes you might enjoy!

April 28th:

Want to quickly share what you're reading with others? Take a quick book cover picture of the book you're reading and share it on McKinley's NEW Padlet! This resource is for you to share, see what other McKinley readers are reading and find your next great read! Staff, students and parents are welcome to share!

April 27th:

Happy "Maker Monday"! Explore ScienceBuddies.org to discover engineering design challenges you can complete at home! McKinley engineers can practice problem solving skills and perseverance with these 12 challenges. If an adult at home has twitter, share your creations with @McKinleyReads! Happy creating!