Project 5: Dominoes

Final Video:

Playblast with dominoes highlighted for reference:

Top View of Knocked Over Dominoes

Top View Before Being Knocked Over

Side View

For my animation, I decided to have my Dominoes use the youtube logo, as it was going to be uploaded on youtube, so I just thought it would be a bit humorous. I had my grid be 50 x 30 for a total of 1500 dominoes. I did this so that the logo was actually clear enough for the viewer to be able to tell what it us. Unfortunately, since it is so zoomed out, the quality does not look as good as I would have wanted despite being 1080p. Sometime else I took into account is the time it takes for the dominoes to fall over and how much they slide, so I made my dominoes very small and increased the friction so that they would behave as close to normal dominoes as I could make them.