McCommis Lab

Saint Louis University School of Medicine

     The McCommis Lab was established in Spring 2019, in the Edward A. Doisy Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology. Our research broadly aims to understand how mitochondrial and lipid metabolic pathways are altered in cardiometabolic diseases. Additionally, we search for nutritional and pharmacologic means to circumvent these dysregulated pathways to treat metabolic disease.

Our favorite topics are:

  Heart Failure

  Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)

  Obesity & Diabetes

    We use animal models as well as primary and immortalized cell cultures to address the bulk of our biological questions. We combine standard biochemical and molecular techniques with functional assays such as mitochondrial and tissue respirometry to better understand complex physiology and pathology. Of course we love to translate our findings to human disease whenever possible. Lastly, we are big believers in collaborative science. We rely on experts to assist us with steady state metabolomic and metabolite flux analyses. In return, we are more than happy to assist with metabolism-related projects whenever we can.

McCommis Lab News / Events:

March 2024 - Zach and Rachel presented posters and Rachel presented a FlashTalk at the 31st annual University of Missouri Cardiovascular Day! 

Sep 2023 - The lab was out in full force at mophys 2023 hosted here at SLU. All trainees did a phenomenal job, including 5 poster presentations, and an oral presentation by Thiago! Congrats to Vaishnavi and Jessica for winning poster awards! Check out our photos page to see more.

July 2023 - Congrats to Christy Hadfield for being awarded a position on the Pharmacology & Physiology T32 training grant!

June 2023 - The lab has a LOT of new folks to welcome. MD-PhD student Zach Foulks has officially joined the lab to carry out his PhD thesis. PhD Candidate Christy Hadfield has joined the lab to study the structure of the MPC for their PhD thesis. Lastly, SLU undergraduate Jessica Michael has joined the lab to help us identify and validate novel MPC inhibitors. Also congrats to Jessica for being awarded a summer research fellowship from the SLU Liver Center!

Feb 2023 - Check out our paper on hepatic MBOAT7 in NASH published in Gastro Hep Advances with an image from the paper chosen as the journal cover!

June 2022 - Congrats to Rachel Weiss for being awarded a position on the Pharmacology & Physiology T32 training grant!

June 2022 - Welcome to rotating MD-PhD student Zach Foulks! Thrilled to have you in the lab for the summer (and hopefully longer!)

May 2022 - Congrats to Lauren Gill for earning a M.S. in Chemical Biology for her work characterizing novel mitochondrial pyruvate carrier inhibitors!

May 2022 - Congratulations to Rachel Weiss on passing the comprehensive exam and officially becoming a Ph.D. Candidate (and Doisy Scholar!)

Feb 2022 - The lab has been busy with 2 new papers related to drug discovery for novel mitochondrial pyruvate carrier inhibitors! You can find them at J Biol Chem and Biomedicines

May 2021 - Check out the lab's new paper in J Biol Chem focusing on the amazing improvements in glycemia and insulinemia when db/db mice are treated with a novel insulin sensitizer combined with the the GLP1RA Liraglutide.

April 2021 - Congrats to SLU undergrad Martin Sharpe for being awarded a summer research fellowship from the SLU Liver Center!

November 2020 - Check out the lab's new paper in Nature Metabolism regarding the importance of cardiac pyruvate metabolism! Also highlighted in various press releases!