The full list of my publications can be found here


PhD students: I am currently supervising two PhD students, Daniele Fasano and Jochen Stadler, who both work on the kinematics of protoplanetary disks and signatures of embedded planets.
I  co-supervised the PhD work of Lucia Klarmann (MPIA, Heidelberg), Miriam Keppler (MPIA, Heidelberg), Gabriela Muro-Arena (UvA, Amsterdam), and Marion Villenave (JPL, USA). Their works led to a series of papers (LK, MK, GMA, MV) on the observations and modelling of disks, with VLTI, direct imaging and ALMA.

Postdocs: I am currently mentoring two postdocs: Andrew Winter and Bin Ren. Former postdoc Alex Cridland is now staff at LMU.

see the ERC Protoplanets website for more information.