
I respect privacy more than anything else and I hate apps that try to get permissions they don't need, especially when it comes to personal data, like your contacts, photos, account information or simply your real name.

What I also try to avoid like hell is to "connect" apps to any kind of social network or to any of your online profiles, no matter where.

So, as a general rule, my apps do not collect anything. I don't even have a server, I do not track, I do not collect analytics data and I do not measure how often and how long you use my apps.

I write Software because I love to write it. Not for money, not for data collection, not for selling any information that I might be able to grab.

But anyway, Europe's laws and Google's terms force me to have something that is called a privacy policy. So, here is mine. Have fun with it.


Valid from May 1, 2016, last update October 18, 2018

1. Here is my privacy policy for the apps and games I make. mbar Software is a one-person Indie developer software label, run by me, Michael Barthold.

1.1 My website is my Google Sites page at

1.2 You can contact me anytime at mbarsoftware at gmail <.> com.

2. I do not run any servers and I do not collect or store any data outside of my apps, except those collected automatically for displaying advertising through the AdMob network run by Google.

2.1 To see, what data is collected by Google, please look in their privacy policy at

3. In general, this policy is valid for all my apps and can be viewed inside the app. However, some apps might have appendices to this policy. In this case, the appendix is shown together with this policy and also available inside the app.


This privacy policy may be updated from time to time for any reason. I will notify you of any changes to this privacy policy by posting the new privacy policy here on the website via a public news post. You are advised to consult this privacy policy regularly for changes, as continued use is deemed approval of all changes.


Update 2012-10-12: Removed the G+ note in the Changes section.

Update 2018-10-18: Implemented numbered paragraphs. Added #3, a general note.