Blended Inside

The official App

I am in the absolutely lovely position, to know these guys personally. I meet at least one of them (the lead guitarist) daily, because we work together in our jobs.

They make great music, meet my taste almost 100% and so it was a logical thing for me, to create an app for them. We talked about it, and they liked the idea.

So here it is, the official app for the Austrian Rock Band BLENDED! Enjoy!

In the app you will find an option to contact the band directly (they are always happy when someone tells them that he likes their music!) and also a link to download their album "Deep Inside" for free.

The app plays the entire discography of the band without ads. All songs in full length, with lyrics. If you want to dig deeper, there is an extensive history of the band included, with personal statements of each of the band members!

They also share some of their famous moments and memories with their fans through the app and announcements for concerts are also published through the app.

So my dear Flo, Jack, Roman and Andy - This app's for you!

Currently, this is my only app that requires an internet connection, as all data (like lyrics, song lists, etc) are retrieved from the server of BLENDED where they maintain the data and keep everything up-to-date.

Also the videos are streamed directly through YouTube.

Blended Inside screen shots