Perceptual Data

All of the teachers completed the High Reliability Schools Level 1 Survey in February of 2018.

Maywood TEACHER HRS Survey Analysis Level 1 (April 2018)

After the teachers completed the HRS Level 1 survey on February 2018. The teachers then analyzed their perceptual data on April 2018. Kelly Erickson divided up the survey questions by the SIP committees to analyze the data. This google doc includes the data analysis results.

2018 Teacher Survey Analysis

These are the positive comments and the concerns and or suggestions from the teacher HRS survey results.

Results of HRS Survey 1 for Administration

Summary of Administration Survey-

The administration feel the school is a safe place and both parents and students also feel it is safe. The believe emergency management procedures are in place and utilized. Decisions are made with teacher input, although these decisions may not always be documented. The PLC process is established within our school. PLC goals and common assessments still need to be created. Data teams are in place and the data is being regularly analyzed. Overall celebration of successes occur but perhaps not as often as could be.

This is the culture survey we shared with parents and community members. We tried to put it on our website and newsletter to complete. We didn't get very many people to complete it.

From the small sample of people who responded it is difficult to use this data as valid for either the person was very satisfied with the school or very angry with the school at the time completing the survey.

Maywood Culture and Climate Committee Survey Results (2019-2020)

These are the results of the survey we had the students complete during the

2019-2020 school year.