How Literature Shaped Me?

During my childhood, I was fascinated by two things: television and reading. My mother played a vital role in cultivating my reading habits, even though she herself was not well-educated. Every summer vacation, I read many books with her, and at a young age, I loved adventure books such as Sindbad ni Satsafar, Arabian Nights, Mulla Nasharudinn, Vikram Vaital, and Sihasan Batishi. However, I did not realize that these books were not just for fun; they were a form of literature that could provide us with insights into the universe.

When I grew up, I chose to study English literature in my Bachelor's degree. I never thought that it would give me the ability to understand the world around us. During my Master's, I learned many things about literature, and now I understand how people in power can manipulate our minds and control our emotions with language.

Literature helps us to understand what reality is and how we live in an illusion that everything is good. Through literature, I can see that every text has its own specialty, and good literature is one that provides us with the reality that people don't want to accept their faults. It has given me the ability to see things from multiple dimensions and not jump to conclusions quickly. Literature helps us understand people and their tones, and it also helps us recognize our own selves and the time we live in. It shows us how power operates around us and controls us.