Mental Health Support

Mental health is not merely a personal issue; it is a societal issue. It is an equity and justice issue. Mental health is a human-rights issue. Mental illness can be painful, alienating, and at times, paralyzing. Often, people suffer alone, in silence. When our fellow human beings suffer, we all suffer.

Archbishop Desmond Tutus teaching reminds us that: “[M]y humanity is caught up, is inextricably bound up, in yours. We belong in a bundle of life. We say a person is a person through other persons.” It takes a village to advocate for restoring and maintaining mental wellbeing. It is important to destigmatize mental illness and offer people resources and support them to seek help.

In May 2020, I wrote an article in the Chronicle of Higher Education on How Institutions Can Make Mental Health a Top Priority. Below are a few free mental-health resources to consider checking out if you need help or if you are looking to learn more about mental health: