Guides for COVID-19 preparation, resources for vulnerable workers and tips and tricks for coping with anxiety, stress and dread during this time.

Preparation Plans and Resource Guides

+ COVID-19 Response Plan: Compiled by Dr. David Buhner, epidemiologist and former Dallas County Public Health Official.

+ Coronavirus Mutual Resource Kit

+ Half-Assed Disabled Prepper Survival Tips for Preparing for a Coronavirus Quarantine: Resource compiled by Leah Piepzna-Samarasinha , brownstargirlnew [at],

+ Personal Pandemic Tips: A Former ‘Indy’ Staffer Now in Hong Kong Offers Advice from Her Lockdown Experience

+ Freelancer Community Resources for Coping with COVID-19: Compiled by @Cardsbyde.

+ Arts Resources During the COVID-19 Outbreak

+ COVID-19 Daily Schedule

+ It’s not overreacting to prepare for coronavirus. Here’s how.

+ Your legal rights in a quarantine, explained

Health and Wellness Resources

+ Virus Anxiety: Resources for anxiety and your mental health in a global climate of uncertainty. Project By Shine.

+ Headspace: The app is offering some meditations you can listen to anytime.

+ How to Keep a Fever Log: The most common symptom of COVID-19 is a fever, and sometime it is intermittent and low-grade. You can track your body temperature and be the first to spot a fever by keeping a fever log at home—taking your temperature four times a day every day and writing it down to track any slight increases or sustained fevers.

+ How to Wash a Face Mask: You can re-use a medical mask with proper cleaning. Do not re-use otherwise. To clean, completely soak the mask in 70%+ isopropyl alcohol; once it is fully wet, remove and hang dry. Don't squeeze or wring. Inspect mask and then store in a baggies until next use, marking each time you re-sterilize so you can keep track.

Resources by Region

+ New Jersey: We’ve made a Google Doc with resources for surviving potential (non-medical) coronavirus crises. It’s geared for people to help those directly around them, on a block-by-block level, during coronavirus. You can sign up to help deliver meals to people who might need them in the coming weeks, or even tell us about people who need help with food. There’s also resources we’ve found about applicable NJ employment laws. More will be added as we come across it. Share it anywhere you think it can help. Look after your people, everyone!