The COVID-19 Issue

The coronavirus pandemic has revealed the extent to which oppressive policy-making and political instability around the world has left the most vulnerable among us at risk. During this time, our priorities must be keeping ourselves and our communities safe. We must also remain vigilant and committed to our political values—doing what we can to organize and agitate from home, and taking care of our neighbors through collective action.

Our COVID-19 issue lays out strategies for community care, resources for caretakers and preppers and ways to support vulnerable folks at this time—financially and socially.

Table of Contents: The COVID-19 Issue

Covid-19 misinformation is everywhere. This information will help you get a handle on what's happening.

Guides for COVID-19 preparation, resources for vulnerable workers and tips and tricks for coping with anxiety, stress and dread during this time.

Social distance does not mean political distance or isolation from our communities. We can still fight for each other and support each other. This section will outline how to enact mutual aid in this time and where to find mutual aid pods when you're in need.

These are our stories. This is how we organized, how we took action and how we took care of our friends and family.