Student Initiative for Open Science

I was an active member of the Student Initiative for Open Science (SIOS) and wrote blog posts on open science and meta-science targeting mainly students. Find them below.

SIOS blog posts

Korbmacher, M. (2020). How to start with Open Science: A student’s guide.

Korbmacher, M. (2021). The Good, the Bad, and the Preprint.

Korbmacher, M. (2021). What makes a study credible? Psychology edition.

Korbmacher, M. (2021). Implementing Open Science Into Your Research Practices

Other blog posts

Korbmacher, M. (2019). Mindfulness Interventions from Present to the Future. Will We All be Meditating? Write Brain. The University of Glasgow Psychology Society.

Korbmacher, M. (2021). Open Science – die Zukunft der Wissenschaft?. Scheinwerfer, 90.


I was also writing for the student magazine Katarsis at the faculty of psychology at the University of Bergen, Norway about neuroscience, meta-science and open science.


Bjornheim, R., & Korbmacher, M. (2020). Feeling Hormonal Today?

Korbmacher, M. (2020). fMRI = fancy Mega Reliable Imaging?

Korbmacher, M. (2020). Modern Electric Brain Stimulation

Korbmacher, M., & Østmo-Sæter Olsnes, J. (2020). What Neuroscience Can and Can’t Tell Us

Korbmacher, M., & Østmo-Sæter Olsnes, J. (2020). Debunking Neuroscience Myths

Korbmacher, M. (2021). Corona Makes the Brian Struggle

Meta-Science and Open Science

Korbmacher, M. (2020). Where does corona research lead us?

Korbmacher, M. (2020). Opening Up Psychological Science.