
Current Teaching

During my postdoc at MPI, I have no required teaching duties and I am currently not teaching. Later in my postdoc, I look forward to teaching a graduate level topics course, at which point this page will be updated!

Teaching Experience


My minimal teaching requirements include TAing for a the graduate level real analysis course. I expect to also teach another topics course before the end of my postdoc.


During my postdoc at MPI I had no required teaching. However, I had the opportunity to teach a topics course on the two phase free boundary problem for harmonic measure for PhD students and postdocs.


I had a wide variety of teaching experiences. In the 2020-2021 academic school year, I was the Teaching Assistant for the graduate level analysis sequence. In summer 2020, I co-organized and taught the analysis prelim prep course with Sam Fairchild. 

Previously, I taught: 

I have also been a teaching assistant for many calculus courses both at UW and at KSU.