
Why bother?

I believe in Federico Ardila's axioms, included below. For every mathematician that you see, there are many more people with the potential to be mathematicians . All too often, the differentiating feature of those who "make it" and those who don't, is completely out of their control-- you could call it luck. It is prudent that we share the joy and knowledge of mathematics with those who fall outside the so-called "mathematical community". This benefits not only the academic and mathematical world, but, when done correctly, it often provides a source of joy and sense of purpose to those on all sides of the experience.

After School Programs

In undergrad, I had the opportunity to volunteer at, and eventually co-organize, an afterschool program for elementary school students in Ogden, KS. During graduate school, I was fortunate enough to volunteer as a Homework Helper at the Seattle Public Library.

Undergrad Mentorship

At the University of Washignton, I had several opportunities to help undergraduates learn to navigate the academic world, including:

  • through the Washington eXperimental Math Lab (WXML), mentoring students on various projects, namely Randomly Mixing Fluids and Laplacian Eigenmaps and Dimensionality Reduction.

  • via the Washington Directed Reading Program (WDRP), guiding a young undergraduate through their first proof-based mathematical experience with a fast track through Geometry and Fractals to understanding the mathematical underpinnings of "digital sundials" (pictured left).