Mauro Belli

Expert in Radiation Biology and Radiation Protection



  • Born in Lucca (Italy) in 1942

  • Nationality: Italian

  • Graduated in Physics at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in 1967.

  • Researcher at the Italian National Institute of Health (Istituto Superiore di Sanità, ISS, Rome) from 1967 to 2009, performing research in Biophysics, Radiation Biology, Radiation Protection and Radiation Therapy.

  • Director of the Physics Laboratory of the Italian National Institute of Health (Istituto Superiore di Sanità, ISS, Rome) from 2001 to 2004

  • Italian delegate in the EURATOM-Fission Programme Committee (1978-1985 and 2002-2013).

  • Teacher in Radiation Biology in post-graduate University Courses.

  • Presently independent researcher and member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the European Platform MELODI (“Multidisciplinary European LOw Dose Initiative” )

  • Awards: "Cavaliere dell’Ordine di merito" of the Italian Republic; “Domenico Marotta” Prize given by the Italian National Academy of Sciences (2004)

  • Hobbies: ballroom dancing (International standard, Latin, Italian traditional style), sport fishing (angling)