
  • Referred publications:

Predatory Journals: no definition, no defense joint with Agnes Grudniewicz, David Moher, Kelly Cobey, [...], Manoj Lalu

Nature, December 2019.

Media Coverage: Phisic Org, Times Higher Education, La Repubblica

Connections in Scientific Committees and Applicants’ Self-Selection: Evidence from a Natural Randomized Experiment joint with Manuel Bagues and Natalia Zinovyeva

Labour Economics, 58 June, 2019, pp. 81-97.

Media Coverage:

A Walk on the Wild Side. Predatory Journals and Information Asymmetries in Scientific Evaluations joint with Manuel Bagues and Natalia Zinovyeva

Research Policy, 48(2), 2019, pp. 462-467.

WP version [PDF]

Media Coverage: Pagina99, Sole24Ore, Ocasapiens, Scienza in rete,, Wired

Does the Gender Composition of Scientific Committees Matter? joint with Manuel Bagues and Natalia Zinovyeva

American Economic Review, 107 (4), 2017, pp. 1207-38.

WP version [PDF]

Media coverage: Times Higher Education

A "conservative Marxist" at Harvard: the influence of Joseph A. Schumpeter on Paolo Sylos Labini

Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 25, 2015, pp. 311-321

Stimulating graduates’ research-oriented careers: does academic research matter? joint with Natalia Zinovyeva

Industrial and Corporate Change, 20 (1), 2011, pp. 337-365

Differential Grading Standards and University Funding: Evidence from Italy joint with Manuel Bagues and Natalia Zinovyeva

CESifo Economic Studies, 54(2), 2008, pp.149-176.

A translation of this article into Russian appeared as Вопросы образования№4 за 2009 год

The insights of this paper have been summarized in a Vox-EU column by the authors

Do On-Line Labor Market Intermediaries Matter? The Impact of AlmaLaurea on the University-to-Work Transition joint with Manuel F. Bagues

NBER Volume. Studies on Labor Market Intermediation 2008. Edited by D. Autor. Chicago University Press

A previous version has been published as NBER Working Paper n.15 (2005)

Media coverage: Sole-24 Ore, Vox EU

The Relationships between Science, Technologies and Their Industrial Exploitation joint with Giovanni Dosi and Patrick Llerena

Research Policy, 35(10), 2006, pp. 1450-1464

  • Book Chapters
    • in English

Does the "European Paradox" still hold? Did it ever? joint with Giovanni Dosi, Patrick Llerena

European Science and Technology Policy, 2009. Edited by H. Delanghe, U. Muldur and L. Soete. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham UK

The case for randomization in the evaluation of active labor market policy

Perspectives on Work : Problems, Insights, Challenges, 2008. Edited by O. Neumaier, G. Schweiger, C. Sedmak. LIT-Verlag, Munich-Hamburg-London

Technological Paradigm and Trajectories joint with Giovanni Dosi

Elgar Companion to Neo-Schumpeterian Economics, 2007. Edited by H. Hanusch and A. Pyka. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham

Science-Technology-Industry Links and the 'European Paradox'

Giovanni Dosi, Patrick Llerena and Mauro Sylos Labini

How Europe's Economies Learn, 2006. Edited by E. Lorentz and B.-A. Lundvall. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Technology and the Economy

Giovanni Dosi, Luigi Orsenigo and Mauro Sylos Labini

The Handbook of Economic Sociology, 2005. Edited by N.J. Smelser and R. Swedberg. Princeton, Princeton University Press.

    • in Italian

Formazione terziaria e benessere economico

Mauro Sylos Labini

L'università e il sistema economico, 2013. Edited by A. Geuna e F. Rossi. Il Mulino, Bologna.

Versione preliminare.

Il finanziamento dell'istruzione terziaria e della ricerca universitaria in Italia

Aldo Geuna and Mauro Sylos Labini

L'università e il sistema economico, 2013. Edited by A. Geuna e F. Rossi. Il Mulino, Bologna.

Versione Working Paper.

Gli effetti di AlmaLaurea nella transizione dall'università al lavoro: una valutazione quasi sperimentale

Mauro Sylos Labini and Manuel F. Bagues

L'università in transizione: laureati vecchi e nuovi alla luce della riforma, 2006. Edited by A. Cammelli. Il Mulino, Bologna.

    • in Spanish

La relaciòn ciencia-tecnologia-industria y la paradoja europea.

Giovanni Dosi, Patrick Llerena and Mauro Sylos Labini

In C Cañibano Sánchez, M Encinar del Pozo, F Muñoz Pérez Economía del conocimiento y la innovación: nuevas aproximaciones a una relación compleja. 2008 P. 231-268 MADRID: Ediciones Pirámide ISBN 978-84-368-2200-7.