Associate Professor in Computer Science
Maître de conférence en informatique
University of Rennes > IUT Lannion // IRISA > DRUID Team
Rue Edouard Branly 22300 Lannion - France / +33 (0)2 96 46 92 20
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Reasearch interests
Artificial Intelligence for Education
Learning Analytics
Serious Games
Computer Science Education
July 2024 : I've been offered the position of Associate Professor in Computer Science at the University of Rennes. My teaching activities will take place at IUT Lannion and my research will be carried out within the DRUID team of the IRISA laboratory
June 2024 : I co-led a workshop on practical statistics for TEL at RJC-EIAH conference in Laval (France)
March 2024: I was a member of the Program Committee of the AIED24 conference (25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education> Late Breaking Results Track)
January 2024: My thesis manuscript is available on line (see publication section)
December 2023: The article "Pyrates: Design and Evaluation of a Serious Game Aimed at Introducing Python Programming and Easing the Transition from Blocks" has been accepted in ACM Transactions on Computing Education (see publication section)
October 2023 :
I presented the planned extensions to my thesis work at the IRISA laboratory's DRUID team seminar: "Feedback Prediction with the Pyrates Serious Game"
I defended my PhD thesis entitled "Computer programming education: analyses and resources to support the transition from middle school to high school" on October 11, 2023 at INSPE de Bretagne in Rennes
September 2023: I joined ENSSAT Lannion and IRISA laboratory as a teaching and research assistant (enseignant-chercheur contractuel LRU)