Teaching & Responsibilities


Ph.D. students:

Master students:

Bachelor students:

Courses given at KTH

Course Responsible


Teaching Assistant

Summer School

I participated as a Lecturer at the 2nd Summer School on Physics-Informed Neural Networks and Applications. I gave 3 lectures (7 hours) about the following topics:

Courses given in Engineering School

I have taught around 64h per year at ENSEEIHT, a French engineering school in Electrical engineering, Electronics, Computer science, Fluid mechanics, and Telecommunications and Networks. There, I worked in the GEA part (Génie Electrique et Automatique), with 3 different activities:

Intervention at a Bachelor level 


During Ph.D.

During three years, I participated in projects with a class of second-year bachelor in Math (Classe préparatoire MP*) at Lycee Pierre de Fermat, in Toulouse, France. 

Courses given in high school

I was a Math and Science teacher for 3 months in Lycée Bort Artense in Bort les Orgues. This is a vocational high school specialized in trading, selling, and wood-based construction. All the documents are in French.

J'ai été pendant quelques mois remplaçant en Mathématiques / Sciences au Lycée Bort Artense à Bort les Orgues. C'est un lycée professionel spécialisé en Commerce, Vente et Frabrication bois. Les supports que j'ai préparé à cette occasion sont présentés sur une autre page.