
Courses at Clemson University

Department of Automotive Engineering

Fundamental concepts in the dynamic behavior of ground vehicles, mainly two- and four-wheeled vehicles, are discussed. The application of dynamic systems modeling and analysis are stressed to bring understanding to ride performance, handling and straight-line running, as well as practical considerations in vehicle design. 

Applied mathematics relevant to contemporary automotive and mechanical engineers in research and practice; articulated multibody mechanical sub-systems seen in robotics deployments and within automotive systems; equation formulation; identification of limitations for symbolic treatment; and motivated computational (numerical/symbolic) solutions approaches.

Courses at the University at Buffalo

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Forces and torques generated by tires (under both traction and braking) and by the relative wind; two-wheel and four-wheel models of a vehicle; simplified stability and control of transients; steady-state response to external disturbances; effects of the roll degree of freedom; equations of motion in body-fixed coordinates; lateral load transfer; force-moment analysis; and applications of feedback-control theory to the design of subsystems for improved performance. 

Introduction to linear and nonlinear estimation methods with emphasis on both theory and implementation; batch and sequential strategies; real-time and post-experiment estimation; parameter estimation; state estimation. 

Kinematics and kinetics of particles and rigid bodies; relative motion; work-energy methods; impulse-momentum methods; kinematics and kinetics of rigid bodies; and simple vibration. 

Modeling different types of physical and/or engineering systems in standard linear form; analysis of linear models in the time domain, in the frequency domain, and in the Laplace domain; application of aquired analysis skills to better understand the design and performance of engineering systems of all kinds.

Partial Courses

Review of rotational kinematics and dynamics; orbital mechanics; gravity turn and trajectory optimization; orbit lifetimes; three-body problem; orbit perturbations; orbit determination; spacecraft dynamics; spinning and three-axis stabilized spacecraft; and attitude determination. 

Control of dynamic systems by digital computer; characterization of discrete-time systems; discrete state space; Z transforms; time domain analysis of discrete-time control systems; effects of sampling time; discrete root locus; frequency domain methods for compensator design; laboratory experiences in the computer control of electromechanical systems with C/C++ programming; LabView and programmable logic controls (PLCs). 

 Banach spaces; summability; Banach limits; uniform boundedness; interior mapping theorem; graphs; Hahn-Banach theorem; Lp spaces; C[a,b], finite dimensional; weak and weak* topology; Alaoglu theorem; reflexivity and weak compactness theory; Hilbert spaces; spectral theorem for self-adjoint operators; linear topological vector spaces.