
My research focuses on macroeconomics, international finance, monetary economics and sovereign debt and I have worked on theoretical as well as empirical projects.

In particular, many of my projects are motivated by the macroeconomic developments in Japan since the build-up and burst of its bubble economy in the late 1980s and early 1990s: 

I try to analyze these questions using modern dynamic macro models that allow for the possibility of secular stagnation in equilibrium.

In addition, I'm interested in the functioning of financial markets, particulary those for sovereign debt, and the (implicit) conventions that guide the behavior of market participants. 

Spring 2018, Osaka

Here is an overview of my research projects and publications. For more details, please click on the links to the papers or contact me directly. I'm looking forward to your comments.

List of publications and research projects:

Publications in peer-reviewed journals:

Working papers:

Work in progress: