Matthias schlegl

Macroeconomic analyst and researcher
Associate Professor at Sophia University, Tokyo

Munich, Summer 2017

Welcome to my personal website!

I'm currently an associate professor at Sophia University, a private university in the heart of Tokyo. I've obtained a Ph.D. in Economics from Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, where I also received a substantial part of my training in economics and finance (BSc and MSc). Apart from Munich and Tokyo, I've spent one year at the University of Oxford, half a year at the University of California, Berkeley, and more than one year at the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) at Osaka University for both studies and research. I'm currently also a Visiting Fellow at ISER.

You can find my full CV here

My research focuses on macroeconomics, international finance, monetary economics and sovereign debt. Recently, I am particularly interested in models of economic stagnation and asset price bubbles, primarily motivated by the macroeconomic experience of Japan over the last decades. Have a look at my research projects here

And if you're one of my students or just interested in my classes, you can check out my teaching here.

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