
Refereed Journal Publications 

14. Jurjonas, M., May, C., Cardinale, B., Kyriakakis, S., Pearsall, D., and Doran, P. (2023). The perceived ecological and human wellbeing benefits of ecosystem restoration. People & Nature, 00:1–16.

13. Jurjonas, M., Merino Perez, L., Robson, J., and Tadeo Noble, A. (2023) Youth motivations for sustaining collective action in Mexican community forest enterprises. Land Use Policy, 134 (11) 106913.

12. Jurjonas, M., May, C., Cardinale, B., Kyriakakis, S., and Doran, P. (2022) A synthesis of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative according to the Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation. Journal of Great Lakes Research.

11. Berrang-Ford, L., Siders, A.R., Lesnikowski, A., … Jurjonas, M., … Zulfawu Abu, T. (2021) A systematic global stocktake of evidence on human adaptation to climate change. Nature Climate Change, 11, 989–1000.

10. Rubert-Nason, K.F., Casper, A., Jurjonas, M., Mandeville, C., Potter, R., and Schwarz, K. (2021) Ecologist engagement in translational science is imperative for building resilience to global change threats. Rethinking Ecology, 6: 65-92.

9. Jurjonas, M., and Aldana, L.T. (2020) The flyer’s dilemma and the logger’s case for climate justice. World Development Perspectives, 20: 100263.

8. Jurjonas, M., Seekamp, E., Rivers, L., and Cutts, B. (2020) Uncovering Climate (in)Justice with an Adaptive Capacity Assessment: A Multiple Case Study in Rural Coastal North Carolina. Land Use Policy, 94, 104547.

7. Jurjonas, M., and Seekamp, E. (2020). ‘A commons before the sea:’ climate justice considerations for coastal zone management. Climate and Development, 12 (3), 199-203.

6. Bhattachan, A., Jurjonas, M., Morris, P., Taillie, P., Smart, L., Emanuel, R., and Seekamp, E. (2019). Linking residential saltwater intrusion risk perceptions to physical exposure of climate change impacts in rural coastal communities of North Carolina. Natural Hazards, 97 (3), 1277-1295. 

5. Jurjonas, M., and Seekamp, E. (2019) Balancing carbon dioxide: A case study of forest preservation, out-migration, and afforestation in the Pueblos Mancomunados of Oaxaca, Mexico. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 38 (7) 697-714.

4. Seekamp, E., Jurjonas, M., and Bitsura-Meszaros, K. (2019). Influences on coastal tourism demand and substitution behaviors from climate change impacts and hazard recovery responses. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 27 (5), 629-648.

3. Bhattachan, A., Jurjonas, M. D., Moody, A. C., Morris, P. R., Sanchez, G. M., Smart, L. S., ... and Seekamp, E. L. (2018). Sea level rise impacts on rural coastal social-ecological systems and the implications for decision making. Environmental Science & Policy, 90, 122-134.

2. Jurjonas, M., and Seekamp, E. (2018). Rural coastal community resilience: Assessing a framework in eastern North Carolina. Ocean & Coastal Management, 162, 137-150.

1. Jurjonas, M., Crossman, K., Solomon, J., and Baez, W. L. (2016). Potential links between certified organic coffee and deforestation in a protected area in Chiapas, Mexico. World Development, 78, 13-21.

Non-refereed Publications (Technical Reports and Factsheets) 

9. Jurjonas, M., Maldonado, C., Lacy, L., & Newman, S. (2023) Building Communal Capacity for Bat Conservation Through Engagement: A Case Study in Nuevo Leon, Mexico. [Technical Report] Lacy Consulting Services, Denver, CO. 22pp.

8. Barboza, A., Jurjonas, M., & Lacy, L. (2023) Advancing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Environmental Justice in U.S. Fisheries Policy. [Technical Report] Lacy Consulting Services, Denver, CO. 34pp.

7. Barboza, A., Jurjonas, M., Lacy, L., & Vidal, J. (2023) Best Practices for Hiring and Recruitment at the United States Forest Service: A Multiple Case Comparison. [Technical Report] Lacy Consulting Services, Denver, CO.17pp. 

6. Barboza, A., Jurjonas, M., Vidal, J., Maldonado, C., & Lacy, L. (2023) Community Engagement for Highline Canal Trail Improvements. [Technical Report] Lacy Consulting Services, Denver, CO. 80pp.

5. Barboza, A., Vidal, J., Jurjonas, M., Maldonado, C., & Lacy, L. (2023) Promoting Equity in Outdoor Recreation and Community Engagement around the Arsenal Wildlife Refuge. [Technical Report] Lacy Consulting Services, Denver, CO. 50pp. 

4. Brooks, E., Pennaz, A., Jurjonas, M. (2023) Considering Equitable Engagement in Research Design: Workshop Report and Reflections. [Open File Report] US Geological Survey, Reston, VA. 34pp.

3. USGCRP Social Sciences Coordinating Committee (2022) Food, Culture and Climate: Webinar Series Report. [White Paper] US Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC. 9pp. 

2. Jurjonas, M. (2020) Resilient Central America (ResCA): Confronting climate justice through building healthy agricultural systems. [Fact Sheet] ResCA, The Nature Conservancy, Mexico City, Mexico. 10pp.

1. Seekamp, E., Jurjonas, M., and Bitsura-Meszaros, K. (2018) Coastal hazards and tourism: Exploring outer banks visitors’ responses to storm-related impacts. [Fact Sheet] Tourism Extension, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. 12pp.