
IERQC Archived Webinars: September 2021

September 25, 2021

Check out this presentation I did for The Interagency Ecological Restoration Quality Committee (IERQC) monthly webinar series. This presentation features results from my Bailey Conservation Fellowship research on the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. 

Movimientos Sociales. Sociedad, Política y Mercados en la Era Global

August 27, 2019

I had the opportunity to participate in a panel discussion at the Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales in Mexico City about my postdoctoral study, as a Fulbright-Garcia Robles U.S. Scholar, on carbon accounting in Mexican communities with forestry enterprises. I evaluated carbon sequestration using a socio-ecological systems lens to consider out-migration as a type of carbon leakage that should be considered for carbon payments. Thanks Dr. Aguilar for inviting me to join the panel!

Captura de carbono en sistemas socio-ambientales: el costo de abandonar la autosuficiencia

April 29, 2019

Check out the results from my postdoctoral studies at the Insituto de Investigaciones Sociales in Mexico City. I speak about the impacts of climate change and changing local economies on Ejidos and Comunidades Agrarias. Additionally, globalization and changing local lifestyles are leading to higher per-capita emissions which challenge mitigation goals of carbon sequestration projects.