Popular Writing

Kan bättre hälsa minska brottslighet? (with Randi Hjalmarsson and Axel Malmcrona) Ekonomisk Debatt nr 4, 2022, 30-43.

Könsskillnader i brottslighet – hur kan de förklaras? (with Olof Bäckman, Randi Hjalmarsson and Tove Pettersson) Ekonomisk Debatt nr 4, 2018, 67-78.

The importance of family background and neighbourhood effects as determinants of entrepreneurship (with Joeri Sol, Mirjam van Praag and Theodor Vladasel) Voxeu.org, December 2, 2016.

Why worker productivity is contagious (with Jan Sauermann and Yves Zenou) Voxeu.org, December 10, 2015.

Can education policy be used to fight crime? (with Randi Hjalmarsson and Helena Holmlund) Voxeu.org, November 29, 2011.

Learning to Lose a Leg: Casualties of PhD Economics Training in Stockholm (with Anne D. Boschini, Jan Pettersson and Jesper Roine) Econ Journal watch 1(2), August 2004, 369-379.

Framtidens nationalekonomer vilka är deras incitament till “tvåbenhet” (with Anne D. Boschini, Jan Pettersson and Jesper Roine), Ekonomisk Debatt nr 2, 2002, 147-153 .