Talks Given

Chat with Limor Fried (Adafruit)

Virtual Reality headsets are starting to become ubiquitous, so when I decided I wanted some to teach with I did what I always do - I made them from scratch. Here I chat with Maker icon Limor Fried about my headsets and how they work.

What is Arduino? (or How to Build Robots!)

Ever Want to build a robot but didn't know where to start? In this talk Matthew covers everything you need to know to start using an affordable technology called Arduino which allows to create nearly anything you can think of.

How to Get Started in 3D Printing (for everyone!)

While the implications of 3D printing are far reaching and easy to imagine, most people do not know that this exciting technology is attainable for most people today. Fewer people still realize that the skills involved in 3D printing, namely 3D modeling, are important and applicable to all of the sciences and beyond. Learn about the options that are available and how anyone can get started 3D printing at nearly any age and budget.

Inexpensive, Novel Technologies Museums Can Use to Engage, Educate and Inspire

Recorded on International Museum Day, this highly requested talk covers current technologies that museums should be taking advantage of to increase and enhance their offerings. Going beyond iPads and pre-made kits, Faerber makes the case for building from scratch to get exactly what you need and passing those skills onto the next generation.