Introduction to non-perturbative methods for Fermionic models 


All lectures will be in room 136, apart where otherwise stated.



[A]  Abrikosov A. A.,  Gorkov  L. P., Dzyaloshinksi I. E., Methods  of Quantum Field Theory in Statistical Physics
[F] Fetter A. L., Walecka  J. D.,  Quantum Theory of Many Particle Systems
[G] Gallavotti G., Statistical Mechanics: A short treatise, Springer (1999)
[GM-Ising] Gallone M., Mastropietro V., Universality in the 2d quasi-periodic Ising model and Harris-Luck irrelevance, arXiv:2304.01736
[GM] Gentile G., Mastropietro V., Renormalization Group for One Dimensional Fermions: A review of mathematical results, Physics Reports 352, 4-6, 273-437 (2001)[GMR] Giuliani A., Mastropietro V., Rychkov S., A gentle introduction to  rigorous renormalization group: a worked fermionic example,  J. High Energ. Phys. 2021,  26 (2021)
[M] Mastropietro V., Non perturbative Renormalization, Word Scientific (2008)
[M2] Mastropietro V., Renormalization: General Theory, arXiv 2312.11400


The students who want to do the exam are required to solve the weekly exercise sheets and to discuss them with the instructor at the end of the course (short oral examination).