
2022 - 2032      Italian habilitation as associate professor in Mathematical Physics (ASN - SC 01/A4)

2022 -                    Postdoctoral researcher in Mathematical Physics

SISSA, Mathematics Area, Trieste (Italy)

Advisor: Marcello Porta

Topic: Mathematical Methods of Quantum Statistical Mechanics

2020 - 2022:     Postdoctoral researcher in Mathematical Physics

Department of Mathematics "F.Enriques", Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano (Italy)

Advisor: Vieri Mastropietro

Topic: Mathematical Quantum Transport

2015 - 2019:      PhD (with fellowship) in Geometry and Mathematical Physics

SISSA, Mathematics Area, Trieste (Italy)

Advisor: Alessandro Michelangeli

Title: Self-adjoint extensions of quantum Hamiltonians with symmetry

Degree awarded on: 30/09/2019, cum laude (with honours)

Committee: Ludwik Dąbrowski, Davide Guzzetti, Vladimir Lotoreichik, Alessandro Michelangeli and Diego Noja

2013 - 2015:     Master degree in Physics

Università degli studi di Padova, Padova (Italy)

Thesis advisor: Antonio Ponno

Title: Hydrodynamics of the FPU problem and its integrable aspects

Degree awarded on: 23/09/2015

Final Grading: 110/110 cum laude

2010 - 2013:    Bachelor degree in Physics

Università degli studi di Padova, Padova (Italy)

Thesis advisors: Franco Cardin, Kurt Lechner

Title: Gauss's least constraint principle: geometrical and mechanical aspects

Degree awarded on: 18/07/2013