
Read what some of our attendees have to say:

"Thank you very much for all the instruction received today, the time flew by." - Aug 2017 Attendee

"Fantastic team - all built around using tools to assist in implementing math instruction and managing class assignments and assessments." - Aug 2017 Attendee

"Thanks - great workshop as it allowed me to see/feel from both a student and teacher standpoint on each of these tech topics." - Aug 2018 Attendee

"Fantastic workshop! Loved the pace and group work." - Aug 2018 Attendee

"This is one of the best workshop I have ever attended - very engaging and productive. Your presentation showed your passion for your work and how excited you were to share your knowledge. There were many new things I learnt in this workshop. If this is your first presentation, please do more of these and share your knowledge. I wish you worked at our school." - Aug 2017 Attendee

"Thank you!! Super helpful - the perfect way to get myself back into school mode!" - Aug 2018 Attendee

"One of THE BEST math/tech workshops I have attended." - Aug 2018 Attendee