Mathematical Physics Seminar

The Mathematical Physics seminar aims to be an inclusive environment for researchers in mathematical physics to feel encouraged to share their discoveries and insights.  We hope to foster connections between experts in the field as well as encourage students to participate. We intend to have at least one seminar each month. 

Next Talk: Eric O. Endo 

NYU-ECNU Institute of Mathematical Sciences at NYU Shanghai

Auditório Jacy Monteiro- 10/07/2024 (QUA) 14:00 às 15:00

Live transmission through this link

Title: Distributional Limit of One-dimensional 

Long-Range Ising Model with Random Boundary Condition



If you want to give a talk at this seminar, please feel free to send an email to 

math (dot) phys (dot) seminars (at) gmail (dot) com