

Publications in peer-reviewed journals

Determinants of the Digital Divide: Evidence from France, Annals of Economics and Statistics, no. 151, 2023, pp. 37–80.

The COVID-19 crisis accelerated the digital transition and reinforced the existing digital divide. This paper aims to identify the determinants of internet inequalities in access, usage, and type of usage in France and the reasons behind the lack of access to the internet. Using French Institute of Statistics (INSEE) surveys between 2007 and 2019 and pseudo-panel methodology, we show that generation, education, and income are significant determinants of the probability of having an internet access and to use it. However, disparities in the type of internet use are less pronounced. The fight against the digital divide in France must therefore be directed at facilitating access to an Internet connection. The two main barriers are the lack of skills and the cost of internet access. Hence, we recommend investing in digital education and providing financial support to bridge the digital divide.

Transition Numérique et impacts macroéconomiques, Revue Française d'Economie, 2022/4, Volume XXXVII, p. 131-171

Since their development, digital technologies have had a limited impact on economic growth. This article addresses this paradox and studies the impacts of the Digital Transition on the economy. After defining the main characteristics of the Digital Transition, we study the similarities and differences between the first and second industrial revolutions. The different barriers that hinder the impact of digital technology on economic growth are then presented. Finally, the hypothesis that the impact of the Digital Transition would not be on economic growth but directly on the well-being of individuals is developed.

Work in progress 

The macroeconomy of free digital services (with Lionel Ragot)

Households’ Behavior regarding Fixed and Mobile Internet Spending in France (with Paolo Melindi-Ghidi et Jean-Philippe Nicolaï)

Regulating the environmental footprint of data consumption: efficiency and distributional effects of taxation and quotas (with Paolo Melindi-Ghidi and Jean-Philippe Nicolaï)

Immigrant integration : The role of the digital divide in France (with Lionel Ragot)


Les difficultés financières et le manque de compétences constituent les principaux obstacles à l’accès à Internet, Blog EconomiX Alternatives Economiques

Paradoxe de Solow, quels impacts macroéconomiques du numérique ?