High-Quality Mathematics Education for Nurses

We are a community of nursing, math, and statistics

educators and stakeholders

committed to developing excellence

in quantitative skills and clinical judgement in nursing education.

The Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin and the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) began a partnership with the nursing community to explore, implement, and continuously improve best practices for the mathematics education of nursing students. In collaboration with Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN), we are bringing together the two fields of mathematics and nursing to improve student success and quality practice.

The collaborative effort of the nursing, mathematics and statistics communities began with a convening in October 2019. Nursing educators, licensing organizations, statisticians and math educators enumerated needs and goals for high-quality quantitative math education for nursing students. Their initial work and subsequent revisions resulted in these Recommendations which includes areas of consensus, recommendations, and topics for further research.

This brief from the Dana Center examines the quantitative education of nurses, the mathematics used by nurses in the field, barriers to entry, progression, or completion, and highlights possible solutions.