The specialization consists of three courses which you can take independently: Linear Algebra for Machine Learning and Data Science, Calculus for Machine Learning and Data Science, and Probability & Statistics for Machine Learning & Data Science. Each course consists of a number of bite-sized video lectures interspersed with some practice quizzes and programming exercises run in hosted Jupyter notebooks. The courses are expected to be completed over the course of some weeks, and each week has a final quiz and usually a programming lab. This format makes it perfect for casual learning, where you can sneak in a video in those seven minutes between meetings or so.

The specialization touches on a couple key topics for machine learning without going terribly deep: basics of linear algebra, including matrix operations, eigenvalue and eigenvector computations, basics of differential calculus, simple numerical methods, and fundamental probability and statistics, among others. Within these fields, the specialization does not go terribly deep, yet at the same time I wonder if someone without prior exposure to these topics would struggle. The content seems best primed as a review of sorts; for someone trying to learn the material for the first time the lectures provide neither the foundation nor the rationale.

Mathematics For Machine Learning Specialization Coursera Free Download


I have read the book and can totally recommend it as a beautiful intro in the world of machine learning as well as a wonderful tensorflow tutorial. It has much more depth than most ML/DL courses out there. I would certainly recommend the book as a supplement for course: sometimes you really want to get to the theoretical background of some techniques (say, gradient descent with momentum) without waiting for the next lecture. In this case, it is a wonderful companion.

True, both of the materials from Coursea and Stanford version are in Stanford Site. One is CS229 (more theoretical ) and the other is CS229A (Application of machine learning - like a introduction without requirements)

Online learning platform Coursera recently announced the launch of its new Machine Learning Specialization course. This beginner-level program teaches the fundamentals of machine learning and how to use these techniques to build real-world AI applications. The class was developed as a collaboration between DeepLearning.AI and Stanford University. Taught by AI visionary Andrew Ng, the Machine Learning Specialization course is an updated introductory program, expanded from his original Machine Learning course, which was taken by nearly five million people.

The updated Specialization courses examines advances in machine learning during the decade since Ng created the original course. Machine Learning Specialization comprises three comprehensive modules introducing machine learning, supervised learning and unsupervised learning. Lectures and graded assignments teach Python rather than Octave or MATLAB. Code notebooks and interactive graphs assist learners in understanding the concepts presented in the class.

In the Machine Learning Specialization course, learners will build ML models with NumPy and scikit-learn, develop and train supervised models for prediction and binary classification tasks, build and train a neural network with TensorFlow to perform multi-class classification, build and use decision trees and tree ensemble methods, apply best practices for machine learning development and more.

Learners who complete the program will master key concepts and gain practical knowledge that will allow them to apply machine learning rapidly to challenging real-world problems. The new Machine Learning Specialization is the ideal starting place for those who would like to break into AI or build a career in machine learning.

According to Andrew, this is the best machine learning class he took at Stanford. Professor Stefano Ermon and his TAs were able to teach complex mathematical concepts with intuitive diagrams and explanations. The class covers three major approaches to generative models: VAEs, GANs, and the more recent yet absolutely brilliant flow-based models. It touches on difficult concepts such as how to evaluate a generative model. The class is also a great introduction to important concepts such as KL/JS divergences, MLE, Variational Inference, ELBO, Monte Carlo, etc.

Because it is an EE course, some problem topics, such as controls and state estimation, may seem unfamiliar to CS students. It shows you that many of the problems we are trying to solve with deep/machine learning actually have a rich history in EE via these simple but incredibly powerful linear parameterizations.

This course is focused on machine learning using MATLAB, which is not practical nowadays as it is a programming language used specifically for computing, and cannot display GUI or communicate through the network. The language is powerful but limited in some ways. Nowadays most people use python for machine learning, as it is versatile and can connect to other backend like C++, java, JavaScript easily. The language is also a general language, and unlike MATLAB can do many things not limited to computing.

However if you want to here serious about machine learning, I would encourage you to enroll in the Deep Learning specialization also by Andrew Ng on Coursera. -learningThis course uses python as the programming language and teaches more modern approaches to deep learning like recurrent neural networks, convolutional neural networks and more. It also talks more about application of neural network. There is also theory, but it also talks about application of a specific algorithm and how it works.

But, Overall this is a great course to dive deeper into calculus required for machine learning and data science. The instructor of this course explains the concepts very easily and his pace of teaching is just perfect.

The instructor explains the theory as well as covers hands-on practices. edX is one of the most popular data science and machine learning platforms. Their courses are from Top Universities across the globe.

Basically, I want to learn enough to get a "feel" of how its like to develop in the area, to see if thats what I want to specialize myself in.I searched around for a bit and saw that some of the prerequisites for understanding machine learning are linear algebra and multivariate calculus. Because of that I was thinking of enrolling myself in this specialization in coursera:

For machine learning in Python and R: after if you're interested in deep learning: ng course is very interesting for the theory behind the algorithms, if you need to train yourself in mathematics you can also follow this course: -machine-learning

Same with linear algebra in machine learning. You need to understand say, that colour pictures are represented by matrices if you wanted to do anything in computer vision, so having an understanding of how matrices work, and the operations you can carry out on them is important.

I'd counter argue that machine learning is edging towards a more specialised area of CS. Don't get me wrong, it's growing in popularity but it's not something most developers go into, at least not to begin with.

I'd recommend doing the first two courses of the mathematics for machine learning specialisation on Coursera. I would have been in a similar position to you (currently studying data science MSc) but doing this helped a lot in learning the concepts and building confidence. Best of luck!

The MML book suggested by others is a good resource, but I think the coursera specialization might be to a large extent covered in the courses you already passed. But from my experience learning the topics stand alone is not the most effective, or at least doesn't compare to to learning them on-demand. What I mean is that the whole topic of MML, similar to the book, is very vast and going through everything could result in poor retention. On the other hand, once you know the basics, goal-driven and motivated learning can be ridiculously effective and efficient. If you're interested to learn more about ML topics, start from there. When you need better understanding of a Mathematical topic come to resources like MML. For me, that always worked best in learning.

I am in the same boat. I did the Introduction to Computer with Python from GTx (edX) and I am currently doing the Machine Learning Core from Microsoft (edX). Everybody also suggests the math course from Imperial College ( -machine-learning) so I am doing that one too. For programming itself I would stay away from Data Camp. It is better to learn how to use the language for data analysis. I am in the DC area too and would be interested in forming an study group.

I'd recommend the Coursera Mathematics for Machine Learning specialisation as an intro to the calculus and linear algebra you'll need: -machine-learning. I completed it recently and really enjoyed it.

Look into the Mathematics for Machine Learning Specialization by Imperial College London on Coursera, which covers some of the math you may need. Imperial College London is also going to be offering an online master's program in machine learning through Coursera.

With the hype surrounding large language models such as ChatGPT, I wondered whether I understood some of the basic concepts of machine learning (ML) algorithms. To my surprise, I realized there were a bunch of algorithms that I never really understood despite clearly using them in my sklearn workflow.

If you are looking for an in-depth, intuitive, and practical experience to understand dimensionality reduction algorithms and its applications in machine learning, this is the best resource on the internet for the same.

This course is recommended for anyone who is interested in advancing their career in the field of ML/Deep Learning/AI as well as those interested in applying machine learning to applied physics research such as fluid dynamics, astrophysics, etc. A little linear algebra is required as the prerequisite. ff782bc1db

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