Helpful links and Resources

Topics for worksheets - Some ideas

Counting problems | Pigeonhole principle | Ways of approximating Pi | Mental Math skills | Concept of primes and counting primes | Mathematical paradoxes | Infinity- through infinite sums | Algorithms building | Graphs and coloring problems | Graphs games and devising winning strategies | Nim and graph games and winning strategies | Trigonometry and its applications | Josephus problem and pattern recognition | Polynomials and coding | Chinese remainder theorem and related problems | Fibonacci sequences and related patterns | Finding roots of polynomial in a finite number systems | Collatz conjecture, Goldbach's conjecture and Kaprekar number | Peasant ways of computing sums | Number Theory- Lotus eaters | Constructing numbers using straight-edge and compass | Matchsticks Mania | Hat problem | Escape problem | Square-able Numbers | Card Games | Traceable graphs | Caesar’s Cipher | Cottage Problem | Cryptography and coding | Fibonacci sequences-building blocks | Pappus theorem - Putting trees in rows | Sieve algorithm for counting primes

Below you can find links to websites offering puzzling, interactive games and problems might be useful when planning a Math Circles activity.