
General Quiz Information

  • There will be approximately one quiz given each week.

  • The quizzes will be derived from the lectures and homework, so if you come to class, keep up on the material, and complete your homework by the Suggested Due Dates, you shouldn’t see any surprises on the quizzes.

  • Most quizzes will be Group Quizzes, where you may work with your classmates. However, you will not be required to work in a group if you are not comfortable doing so.

  • Quiz dates and additional information about the quiz will be announced in class and also listed in the weekly Canvas Modules.

  • I do not drop any quiz scores; however, I do provide several make-up opportunities during the semester. Please see the Make-Up Quiz Policy below for more information.

Make-Up Quiz Policy

  • If you know you will be absent or are ill on the day of a scheduled quiz, please tell me in person or e-mail me in advance of the day of the scheduled quiz.

  • Quizzes may be made up on Review or Test Days on that material.

    • If you wish to make-up a quiz, it is your responsibility to notify me via email at least one class in advance so I can write the make-up quiz and have it ready for you.

  • Make-up quizzes will be individual quizzes, even if the original quiz was a group quiz.

  • Please note that these are NOT re-take opportunities – this policy is designed to give students who miss a quiz the opportunity to earn those missing points.