The research performed in PMML lies at the intersection of mechanical engineering, materials science, physics, chemistry, and computational sciences. We are looking for graduate and undergraduate students to join our group, who have a strong background in at least one of these fields, and possess a strong passion for fundamental understanding of materials.

If you are interested in joining our group, please send your CV to Badri along with a short description of your research interests. Current UofL students can also set-up an appointment to meet in person to discuss their interests.

Principal Investigator

Badri Narayanan

Assistant Professor (8/2018 - present), Mechanical Engineering, University of Louisville

Assistant Scientist (11/2016 - 7/2018), Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory

Postdoctoral Scholar (3/2014 - 10/2016), Center for Nanoscale Materials, Argonne National Laboratory

Ph.D. (2013) Materials Science, Colorado School of Mines, USA

M.E. (2008) Materials Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, India

B.E. (2006) Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, National Institute of Technology Surathkal, India

Curriculum Vitae


Meghnath Jaishi

July 2020 -

PhD. (Physics) Michigan Technological University

Research Area: Force field development, Interfacial behavior in lithium-sulfur batteries, Electronic properties of 2D materials

Mirza Galib

January 2021 -

Ph.D. (Chemistry), University of Calgary, Canada

Research Area: Materials for neuromorphic computing, Machine learning for force-field development, Solvation chemistry.

Graduate Students

Saransh Gupta

Ph.D. student, Fall 2018 -

M. Tech. (Industrial Materials Engineering), Punjab Engineering College, India

Research Area: Radiation behavior of two-dimensional materials

Varun Shreyas

Ph.D. student, Fall 2019 -

B. Tech (Metallurgical and Materials Engineering), National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India

Research Area: Ion-conduction and interfacial behavior in solid-state lithium sulfur batteries

Devang Bhagat

Ph.D. student, Fall 2020 -

M. S. (Mechanical Engineering), University of Louisville

Research Area: Defect dynamics in strongly-correlated oxides

Ranga Pidathala

Ph.D. student, Spring 2021-

M. Tech (Materials Science), Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, India

Research Area: Defect dynamics in strongly-correlated oxides

Sabina Chertmanova

M.S. student, Fall 2020 -

B. S. (Mechanical Engineering), University of Louisville

Research Area: Design of electrolytes for solid-state sodium batteries


1. Tarak Patra (Postdoc, Argonne National Laboratory, 2017-2018): Currently, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (India) [See current home page]